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引用本文:陈云娥. 血乳酸清除率在小儿脓毒性休克中的应用[J]. 国际儿科学杂志, 2010, 37(5). DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-4408.2010.05.021
摘    要:血乳酸是反映全身组织灌注情况和细胞内是否缺氧的敏感标志物.近年来研究发现,脓毒性休克时血乳酸明显增高,当休克得到改善,血乳酸可很快下降.因此,测定体内乳酸的清除率可准确提示脓毒性休克的血流动力学改变情况并对其预后作出有效评估.该文就血乳酸清除率在小儿脓毒性休克中的研究进展作一概述.

关 键 词:乳酸清除率  脓毒性休克  乳酸

The application of lactate clearance in children with septic shock
CHEN Yun-e. The application of lactate clearance in children with septic shock[J]. International Journal of Pediatrics, 2010, 37(5). DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-4408.2010.05.021
Authors:CHEN Yun-e
Abstract:Blood lactate level is a sensitive indicator of poor tissue blood perfusion and oxygen debt in the cell.Recently experimental studies have shown that blood lactate level increases significantly when septic shock happens. On the coutrary, blood lactate level decreases quickly when the situation is improved. Additionaly, lactate clearance is a precise predictor of the hemodynamics changes in patients with septic shock and has been shown to be correlated with prognosis.
Keywords:Lactate clearance  Sepict shock  Lactate
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