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引用本文:林燕萍,叶柏. 痰饮与消化系统疾病的相关性[J]. 河南中医, 2016, 0(6): 945-946. DOI: 10.16367/j.issn.1003-5028.2016.06.0396
作者姓名:林燕萍  叶柏
作者单位:1. 南京中医药大学,江苏南京,220046;2. 江苏省中医院,江苏南京,220046
摘    要:痰饮形成的关键在于脾胃虚弱,因此若盲目使用攻伐之法则不但痰饮不去且脾胃更伤。很多消化系统疾病经久不愈实为痰饮作祟,治疗关键在于明确病机,书中关于痰饮病总的治疗大法为"病痰饮者,当以温药和之"。可知脾阳得健运,痰饮得化,饮为阴邪,得温则行,温药亦可振奋阳气,运行水液,可谓一举多得,"和之"也寓有用药当刚柔相济之意,刚药可燥湿暖土,柔药功擅益胃养阴,然过于刚燥消耗阴液,过于温补滋腻碍湿,因此临床当注意配伍得当。

关 键 词:痰饮病  消化系统疾病  《金匮要略》  脾胃  张仲景

The Relevance of Phlegmatic Retention and Diseases of the Digestive System
Abstract:The key to formation of phlegmatic retention is weak spleen and stomach.Blind purging therapy cannot eliminate phlegmatic retention,and may hurt the spleen and stomach more.There are many variable syndrome of phlegmatic retention.Many diseases of the digestive system have not been cured for a long time,and the reason for them is in fact phlegm retention.The cure for them should focus on find out pathogenesis and give proper treatment.The overall treatment of phlegm retention is fixed,in Essentials from the Golden Cabinet,the general therapy is that phlegm retention is treated by regulating method with warm-natured drugs.If spleen yang is activated,phlegmatic retention will be removed.Phlegm belongs to yin,and will be dissolved if being warmed;warm-natured drugs can excite yang qi and move water fluid." Regulating" also means that drug-use should pay attention to hard and soft ones.Hard ones can dry wetness and warm the earth,while the soft ones can nourish the stomach and yin.Too much hard and dry may consume yin fluid,while too much soft and rich may lead to dampness,so proper compatibility should be grasped in clinical practice.
Keywords:phlegmatic retention  diseases of the digestive system  Essentials from the Golden Cabinet  the spleen and stomach  Zhang Zhong-jing
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