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Electrophysiological correlates of processing faces of younger and older individuals
Authors:Ebner Natalie C  He Yi  Fichtenholtz Harlan M  McCarthy Gregory  Johnson Marcia K
Affiliation:Department of Psychology, Yale University, P.O. Box 208205, New Haven, CT 06520-8205, USA. natalie.ebner@yale.edu
Abstract:The 'own-age bias' in face processing suggests that the age of a face constitutes one important factor that influences attention to and memory for faces. The present experiment investigated electrophysiological correlates of processing faces of younger and older individuals. Younger participants were presented with pictures of unfamiliar younger and older faces in the context of a gender categorization task. A comparison of event-related potentials showed that early components are sensitive to faces of different ages: (i) larger positive potential peaking at 160 ms (P200) for older than younger faces at fronto-central electrodes; (ii) larger negative potential peaking at 252 ms (N200) for younger than older faces at fronto-central electrodes; (iii) larger negative-going deflection peaking at 320 ms (N250) for younger than older faces at occipito-temporal electrodes; and (iv) larger late positive potential peaking at 420 ms (LPP 420) for older than younger faces at parietal and other electrodes. We discuss similarities between the present study and a previously published study of faces of different races as suggesting involvement of comparable electrophysiological responses when differentiating between stimulus categories.
Keywords:event-related potentials   face processing   own-age effect   own-race effect   in-group/out-group
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