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Effect of the 5-HT1 agonist sumatriptan on oesophageal motor pattern in patients with ineffective oesophageal motility
Authors:L. Grossi,A. F. Ciccaglione,&   L. Marzio
Affiliation:Department of Medicine and Sciences of Aging, School of Gastroenterology, c/o Pierangeli Clinic, G d'Annunzio University of Chieti, Pescara, Italy. l.grossi@unich
Abstract:The 5-HT1 agonist sumatriptan (SUM) elicits an increase in amplitude of oesophageal motor waves and of lower oesophageal sphincter (LOS) tone in healthy subjects. The aim of the study was to evaluate whether such an effect occurs also in patients with ineffective oesophageal motility (IOM). 16 patients (nine males and seven females, age range 34-55 years) with chest pain and mild to moderate dysphagia were studied; all had undergone previous cardiologic, radiologic and upper gastrointestinal endoscopic exams that were normal. An oesophageal manometry was performed using an electronic probe to record swallows, oesophageal, LOS and gastric motility. The patients whose motor pattern were compatible with IOM (>30% of motor waves with amplitude <30 mmHg and/or non-transmitted) received SUM or placebo 6 mg s.c., injected in the morning and in the afternoon in a random order. The data analysis was limited to 1 h before and 1 h after the drug injections. Ten out of the 16 patients showed an IOM motor pattern. The administration of SUM caused a significant increase in the number of swallows (SUM 99.5 +/- 15.4 vs 78.6 +/- 16.1 basal, P = 0.03) and of primary oesophageal motor waves (SUM 89.6 +/- 13.4 vs 67.2 +/- 12.9 basal, P = 0.04) with no significant changes in the percentage of swallows associated with propagation. Placebo was not associated with increase in the number of swallows (80.3 +/- 14.6, P = 0.9) or of primary oesophageal motor waves (70.1 +/- 12.3, P = 0.7). The amplitude and the percentage of propagated oesophageal motor waves as well as the mean basal LOS tone were unaltered by SUM. There was no change in the symptoms reported after SUM. Although effective in healthy subjects, SUM 6 mg s.c. improves only the numbers but not the amplitude or propagation of oesophageal motility of patients with IOM. The 5-HT1 pathway and its acute stimulation seem to play only a minor role in the pathogenesis of such a disease.
Keywords:5-HT    ineffective oesophageal motility    manometry    oesophageal motility    sumatriptan
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