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The Optic Radiation and the Cerebellar Peduncles in Adolescents with First‐Admission Schizophrenia —A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study
Authors:Romy Henze PhD  Romuald Brunner MD  Ulf Thiemann MD  Peter Parzer MA  Jan Klein PhD  Franz Resch MD  Bram Stieltjes MD  PhD
Affiliation:1. Section Disorders of Personality Development, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Center for Psychosocial Medicine, University of Heidelberg, , Germany;2. the Section Quantitative Imaging‐based Disease Characterization, Department of Radiology, German Cancer Research Center, , Heidelberg, Germany;3. Fraunhofer MEVIS, , Bremen, Germany
Keywords:DTI  visual system  cerebellum  tractography  early‐onset schizophrenia
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