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引用本文:王素敏,章如新,于雁灵,李兆基,周水淼. 变应性鼻炎豚鼠鼻粘膜组胺含量对血流量的影响[J]. 第二军医大学学报, 2000, 21(12): 1130-1132
作者姓名:王素敏  章如新  于雁灵  李兆基  周水淼
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目! (396 0 777) .
摘    要:目的:探讨变应性鼻炎豚鼠不同病程中鼻粘膜组胺含量对血流量的影响。方法:60只豚鼠随机分成正常组和致敏组(n=30),分别检测致敏后激发前和激发后即刻,24,48,72h豚鼠鼻粘膜中的组胺含量,每组动物处死前均用激光多谱勒探测仪测定其鼻粘膜血流量,用直线相关与回归分析比较不同时相点豚鼠鼻粘膜中的组胺含量与鼻粘膜血流量的关系。结果:致敏原激发前致敏组动物鼻粘膜中组胺含量和鼻粘膜血流量均明显高于正常对照

关 键 词:鼻炎  变应性  组胺  鼻粘膜  血流量

Influence of histamine content in nasal mucosa of allergic rhinitis guinea-pigs on blood flow
WANG Su-Min,ZHANG Ru-Xin,YU Yan-Ling,LI Zhao-Ji,ZHOU Shui-Miao. Influence of histamine content in nasal mucosa of allergic rhinitis guinea-pigs on blood flow[J]. Former Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University, 2000, 21(12): 1130-1132
Authors:WANG Su-Min  ZHANG Ru-Xin  YU Yan-Ling  LI Zhao-Ji  ZHOU Shui-Miao
Abstract:Objective: To investigate the influence of histamine content in nasal mucosa on blood flow. Methods: Sixty guinea pigs were randomly devided into control group and allergized group and guinea pigs were sacrificed before nasal challenge with allergen and immediately after nasal challenge, at 24, 48, 72 h. The content of histamine in nasal mucosa was examined. Nasal mucosa blood flow was examined in all guinea pigs before sacrifice. The data were analyzed using linear correlation and linear regression. Results: As compared with normal guinea pigs, the content of histamine and blood flow in nasal mucosa of allergic rhinitis guinea pigs were significantly increased before challengd with allergen( P <0.01), but when challenged with allergen, the content of histamine and blood flow were both decreased immediately, and then both increased gradually during 72 h after challenge with allergen. Content of histamine and blood flow in nasal mucosa correlated each other ( P < 0.001). Conclusion: The content of histamine and blood flow in nasal mucosa are correlated with each other. [
Keywords:rhinitis   allergic  histamine  nasal mucosa  blood flow [Acad J Sec Mil Med Univ   2000   21(12):1130 1132]
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