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Le ravage au féminin : une quasi-structure inscrite dans la logique de l’amour
Authors:Jessica Choukroun-Schenowitz
Affiliation:aPsychologue clinicienne, maître de conférences en psychopathologie clinique. Service de psychiatrie, secteur 06G05, centre hospitalier d’Antibes, route de Nice, 06606 Antibes cedex, France;bDocteur en psychologie clinique. EA 3159, université de Nice–Sophia-Antipolis, laboratoire de psychopathologie clinique et psychanalyse, CIRCPLES, UFR LASH, 98, boulevard Édouard-Herriot, BP3209, 06209 Nice cedex 3, France
The author proposes to show in what devastation does it is to be apprehended like a “quasi-structure” relative to female, registered in the logic of the love. Report/ratio with the mother with the report/ratio with the lover, the devastation is done put to the test of the love, highlighting a logic beyond the phallus and implying the body. The paradigm of adolescence and more particularly the symptom anorexic clarify the statute of the body and its pleasure for the female subject. Behind the pretences, when they are untied, emerges the reality of the devastation. The love leads to the devastation when he asks even more identity, to be even more. The devastation leads to the hainamoration, this zone of the analytical experiment that Jacques Lacan highlighted in the vein of what it names passions to be. Hatred as fundamental passion is questioned here in its statute to be rehabilitated in a contemporary social link, which is harnessed to evacuate the dimension of the lack and the otherness whereas the body, place of the Other par excellence, pays the price of them.
Keywords:Mots clé  s: Amour   Haine    minité     Corps   Jouissance   Psychanalyse   Lacan J
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