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Hearing impairment as an early sign of alpha‐mannosidosis in children with a mild phenotype: Report of seven new cases
Authors:Daphné Lehalle  Roberto Colombo  Michael O'Grady  Bénédicte Héron  Nada Houcinat  Paul Kuentz  Sebastien Moutton  Arthur Sorlin  Julien Thevenon  Julian Delanne  Sebastien Gay  Caroline Racine  Aurore Garde  Frédéric Tran Mau‐Them  Christophe Philippe  Antonio Vitobello  Sophie Nambot  Frédéric Huet  Yannis Duffourd  François Feillet  Christel Thauvin‐Robinet  Sandrine Marlin  Laurence Faivre
Affiliation:1. Centre de Génétique et Centre de Référence Maladies Rares ‘Anomalies du Développement’ de l'Interrégion Est, H?pital d'Enfants, CHU, Dijon, France;2. Institute of Clinical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University, IRCCS Policlinico Agostino Gemelli, Rome, Italy;3. Center for the Study of Rare Inherited Diseases, Niguarda Ca' Granda Metropolitan Hospital, Milan, Italy;4. Department of Paediatrics, Midland Regional Hospital, Mullingar, Western Australia, Australia;5. Centre de référence des maladies lysosomales, Service de Neuropédiatrie, H?pital Armand Trousseau‐ La Roche Guyon, APHP, Paris, France;6. GRC N°19, Université Paris‐Sorbonne, Paris, France;7. FHU TRANSLAD, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire et Université de Bourgogne‐Franche Comté, Dijon, France;8. Equipe GAD (Génétique des Anomalies du Développement), UMR INSERM 1231, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France;9. Pédiatrie, Centre Hospitalier, Chalon‐sur‐Sa?ne, France;10. UF d'innovation en génétique moléculaire, Plateau technique de biologie, CHU, Dijon, France;11. Centre de compétence maladies métaboliques, H?pital d'Enfants, Dijon, France;12. Centre de référence Maladies Métaboliques, CHU Nancy, Nancy, France;13. Centre de référence des Surdités Génétiques, Institut Imagine, H?pital Necker Enfants Malades, APHP, Paris, France;14. INSERM UMR_S1163, IHU Imagine ‐ Institut des Maladies Génétiques ‐ Université Paris Descartes, Paris, France;15.

https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9770-444X;16. Laurence Faivre, Centre de Génétique et Centre de Référence Anomalies du développement et Syndromes Malformatifs, H?pital d'Enfants, 14 rue Gaffarel, CHU Dijon, France.

Alpha‐mannosidosis (AM) is a very rare (prevalence: 1/500000 births) autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disorder. It is characterized by multi‐systemic involvement associated with progressive intellectual disability, hearing loss, skeletal anomalies, and coarse facial features. The spectrum is wide, from very severe and lethal to a milder phenotype that usually progresses slowly. AM is caused by a deficiency of lysosomal alpha‐mannosidase. A diagnosis can be established by measuring the activity of lysosomal alpha‐mannosidase in leucocytes and screening for abnormal urinary excretion of mannose‐rich oligosaccharides. Genetic confirmation is obtained with the identification of MAN2B1 mutations. Enzyme replacement therapy (LAMZEDER) was approved for use in Europe in August 2018. Here, we describe seven individuals from four families, diagnosed at 3–23 years of age, and who were referred to a clinical geneticist for etiologic exploration of syndromic hearing loss, associated with moderate learning disabilities. Exome sequencing had been used to establish the molecular diagnosis in five cases, including a two‐sibling pair. In the remaining two patients, the diagnosis was obtained with screening of urinary oligosaccharides excretion and the association of deafness and hypotonia. These observations emphasize that the clinical diagnosis of AM can be challenging, and that it is likely an underdiagnosed rare cause of syndromic hearing loss. Exome sequencing can contribute significantly to the early diagnosis of these nonspecific mild phenotypes, with advantages for treatment and management.
Keywords:alpha‐mannosidosis  exome sequencing  hearing impairment  MAN2B1  precision medicine
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