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The Binding of Vitamin B12 by Serum Proteins in Normal and B12-Deficient Subjects
Authors:Christine  Lawrence
Affiliation:Department of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx Municipal Hospital Center, New York
Abstract:Endogenous B12 in normal serum has been shown to be associated with α globulins (Pitney, Beard and Van Loon, 1954; Heinrich and Erdmann-Oehlecker, 1956; Mendelsohn, Watkin, Horbett and Fahey, 1958). When B12 has been added to normal serum, however, most or all of the added B12 has been associated with the β- and α2-globulins (Miller, 1958). In the present investigation with radioactive 57cobalt cyanocobalamin (B12*) added to serum, it was possible to define at least two B12-binding proteins (BP), a β-globulin, and an α1 globulin. B12* added to the serum of normal subjects migrated mainly with the β-globulins on electrophoresis, but when added to the serum of B12-deficient subjects, a small fraction of the B12* was also associated with the α2-globulins.
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