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引用本文:曾庆利,张德新,赖展少. 从气机升降谈六经病病机[J]. 四川中医, 2006, 24(2): 31-33
作者姓名:曾庆利  张德新  赖展少
摘    要:探讨《伤寒论》六经病的病机理论,认为人体生理和病理状态,是气机升降的正常和异常反映,太阳病是营卫出入之机的失调,阳明病是阳土之气的不降,少阳病是气机升降道路的不畅,太阴病是阴土之气的不升,少阴病是水火升降的失常,厥阴病是气血升降的逆乱。结论:气机升降失常是外感与内伤杂病的主要病机。

关 键 词:<伤寒论>气机升降  六经病

Disscussion on pathogenesis of Six Meridians Diseases in the view of Descendling and ascending of Qi activities
Zeng Qingli,Zhang Dexin,Lai Zhanshao. Disscussion on pathogenesis of Six Meridians Diseases in the view of Descendling and ascending of Qi activities[J]. Journal of Sichuan of Traditional Medicine, 2006, 24(2): 31-33
Authors:Zeng Qingli  Zhang Dexin  Lai Zhanshao
Affiliation:Jingzhou Hubei 434000
Abstract:Through approaching pathogenesis theory on diseases of six meridians of Treatise on Febrile Diseases,we propose that physiologic and pathologic status of human body is respectively the normal and abnormal reflection of activities of taiyang disease is caused by the disturbance of Ying and Yang Levels and weiqi come-out,yangming disease is caused by the failure of descending of yangtu qi,shaoyang disease is caused by obstruction of activities of qi of ascending and descending of Water and fire,taiyin disease is account of disfunction on ascending of yintu qi,shaoyin disease is the result of irregularity-fire hoisting,jueyin disease is due to advnsely of Qi-blood movement.The abnormalifies of Qi activities of ascending and descending is the major pathogenesis of exterial Disease and internal miseellomeous Diseases.Conclusions:Activities of qi is the major pathogenesis in hetero-diseases caused by exogenous pathogenic factor and internal damage.
Keywords:Treatise on Febrile Diseases Qi activities Diseases of six meridians
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