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引用本文:郭筠秋,张金伟,姜学海. 大鼠胎脑移植对急性脊髓损伤的组织修复作用[J]. 解剖科学进展, 2001, 7(3): 193-197
作者姓名:郭筠秋  张金伟  姜学海
摘    要:目的 为了减轻宿主急性脊髓损伤的继发性病理改变 ,使移植的胎脑细胞能更好地存活、分化 ,与宿主脊髓组织整合 ,以替代受损或变性坏死的神经元。方法 用妊娠 13天的大鼠胎脑为移植物 ,采用细胞悬液立体慢速注射法 ,依脊髓损伤类型移植于脊髓白质不同部位。进行光电镜观察。结果 ①单纯脊髓损伤后 ,损伤脊髓发生出血 ,变性坏死 ,液化呈囊腔 ,最终形成胶质瘢痕 ;②损伤后早期移植胎脑悬液后明显减轻了继发性病理改变 ,减轻胶质瘢痕的形成 ;③依造成的后脊髓损伤类型进行的按损伤部位移植 ,胎脑细胞80 %存活 ,分化 ,并与宿主脊髓组织整合 ,形成了多种类型的突触及器官样分化 ,构成“中继”的形态学所见。结论 按损伤部位移植的方法能较大程度地保留损伤区残存的神经组织 ,避免损伤脊髓遭受第二次损伤 ,尤其是脊髓灰质

关 键 词:脊髓  损伤  胎脑细胞悬液  移植

The Tissue Repair Action of Rat Fetal Brain Transplantation on the Acute Spinal Cord Injury
Guo Yunqiu,Zhang Jinwei,Jiang Xuehai. The Tissue Repair Action of Rat Fetal Brain Transplantation on the Acute Spinal Cord Injury[J]. Progress of Anatomical Sciences, 2001, 7(3): 193-197
Authors:Guo Yunqiu  Zhang Jinwei  Jiang Xuehai
Abstract:Objective To explore the materials and methods of intraspinal transplantation and abate the secondary pathological change of the acute spinal cord injury, to make the transplanted fetal brain cells well survive, differentiate and integrate with the spinal cord tissue of host so as to replace the injured, degenerative and necrotic neurons. Methods The brain cell suspension method, which makes the fetal brain cell gain nutrient supply easy and has minimal injury on the spinal cord tissue of host, and the slow injection method were used. The sectons were observed under light and electron microscope. Results ① After simple spinal cord injury, hemorrhage, degeneration, necrosis, liquefaction, and at last glial scar occurred in the injured spinal cord. ② After the fetal brain cell suspension was transplanted early into injured spinal cord, the second pathologic change of the spinal cord tissue of host were abated markedly, the injured neurons were saved and the formation of glial scar was decreased. ③ In the transplantation according to the type and position of the spinal cord injury, 80% fetal brain cells survived, differentiated and integrated with nerve tissue of host, which formed the polytypic synapses and the organoid differentiation that constituted the morphological manifestation of the relay. Conclusion The method of transplantation according to the injured position can preserve the remaining nerve tissue of the injured region more effectively, prevent the second injury of the injured spinal cord, especially injuring on the spinal cord cinerea.
Keywords:spinal cord  injury  fetal brain cell suspension  transplantation
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