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Computed tomography coronary angiography accuracy in women and men at low to intermediate risk of coronary artery disease
Authors:Anoeshka S. Dharampal  Stella L. Papadopoulou  Alexia Rossi  Annick C. Weustink  Nico R. A. Mollet  W. Bob Meijboom  Lisan A. Neefjes  Koen Nieman  Eric Boersma  Pim J. de Feijter  Gabriel P. Krestin
Affiliation:1. Department of Radiology, Erasmus MC, Room Ca207a, ‘s-Gravendijkwal 230, P.O. Box 2040, 3015 CE, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
2. Department of Cardiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands


To investigate the diagnostic accuracy of CT coronary angiography (CTCA) in women at low to intermediate pre-test probability of coronary artery disease (CAD) compared with men.


In this retrospective study we included symptomatic patients with low to intermediate risk who underwent both invasive coronary angiography and CTCA. Exclusion criteria were previous revascularisation or myocardial infarction. The pre-test probability of CAD was estimated using the Duke risk score. Thresholds of less than 30?% and 30–90?% were used for determining low and intermediate risk, respectively. The diagnostic accuracy of CTCA in detecting obstructive CAD (≥50?% lumen diameter narrowing) was calculated on patient level. P?Results A total of 570 patients (46?% women [262/570]) were included and stratified as low (women 73?% [80/109]) and intermediate risk (women 39?% [182/461]). Sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV were not significantly different in and between women and men at low and intermediate risk. For women vs. men at low risk they were 97?% vs. 100?%, 79?% vs. 90?%, 80?% vs. 80?% and 97?% vs. 100?%, respectively. For intermediate risk they were 99?% vs. 99?%, 72?% vs. 83?%, 88?% vs. 93?% and 98?% vs. 99?%, respectively.


CTCA has similar diagnostic accuracy in women and men at low and intermediate risk.

Key Points

? Coronary artery disease (CAD) is increasingly investigated by computed tomography angiography (CTCA). ? CAD detection or exclusion by CTCA is not different between sexes. ? CTCA diagnostic accuracy was similar between low and intermediate risk sex-specific-groups. ? CTCA rarely misses obstructive CAD in low–intermediate risk women and men. ? CAD yield by invasive coronary angiography after positive CTCA is similar between sex-risk-specific groups.
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