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作者单位:Central Hospital, Songjiang District, Shanghai 201600, China 
摘    要:目的 探讨氧驱动雾化吸入氨溴索治疗毛细支气管炎的疗效.方法 2005年10月至2007年12月,将上海市第一人民医院松江分院收治的108例毛细支气管炎患儿分为A、B、C三组.三组均采用常规治疗.A组加用氧驱动雾化吸入氨溴索,每日2次.B组加用静脉滴注氨溴索,分2次.C组加用口服氨溴索,每日2次.三组治疗均连用5 d.对三组临床症状、肺部体征、住院天数及总有效率进行对照评价.结果 A组治愈率明显提高,咳嗽喘憋.哮鸣音湿啰音消失及住院时间明显缩短,与B、C两组比较差异有显著性(P<0.01).结论 氧驱动雾化吸入氨溴索治疗毛细支气管炎,可缩短病程,提高治愈率,疗效确切,使用安全.

关 键 词:毛细支气管炎  氧驱动雾化吸入  氨溴索

Clinical analysis of treatment of capillary bronchitis with oxygen blow atomization together with inspiration ambroxo
ZHANG HONG. Clinical analysis of treatment of capillary bronchitis with oxygen blow atomization together with inspiration ambroxo[J]. Chinese Pediatric Emergency Medicine, 2008, 15(Z1)
Abstract:Objective To discuss the efficacy of oxygen blow atomization inspiration ambroxo in treat-ing capillary bronchitis. Methods From Oct 2005 to Dec 2007, 108 infants with capillary bronchitis from the Central Hospital were divided into three groups, i. e. Group A, Group B and Group C, to which normal thera-peutic methods are applied. However, Group A adopted oxygen blow atomization inspiration ambroxo, twice a day;Group B applied Intravenous Injection of Ambroxo, twice a day; while Group C was treated with Oral Ambroxo, twice a day. After 5 days of treatment, compare clinical symptoms, pulmonary signs, hospitalization days and total effective rate of the three groups. Results Group A succeeded in significantly improving its cure rate, eliminating symptoms like cough, asthma, dyspnea and wheezing sound and moist tales, and considerably reducing days in hospital. This group features its significant difference from Group B and Group C (P <0.01).Conclusion in treating capillary bronchitis, Oxygen blow atomization inspiration ambroxo can reduce course of disease, improve cure rate, and it is a therapeutic method with outstanding curative effects and easy to apply.
Keywords:Capillary bronchitis  Oxygen atomizing inhalation  Ambroxol
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