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引用本文:李效斐 张巧红 朱洪光等. 口腔种植体植入后骨吸收水平的临床研究[J]. 中国口腔种植学杂志, 2014, 0(1): 29-31
作者姓名:李效斐 张巧红 朱洪光等
作者单位:[1] 潍坊医学院口腔医学院, 261053 [2] 潍坊市人民医院, 261053
摘    要:目的:观察种植体植入后牙槽骨吸收情况,分析不同种植体以及种植体植入不同时间骨吸收速度。方法:收集1998年至2013年潍坊市人民医院牙科种植中心接受ITI、 DIO、奥齿泰以及BLB种植体种植的病例,均对其在植入后即刻、1个月、3个月、6个月、12个月拍摄口腔曲面断层片,测量种植体周围骨吸收水平,并运用SPSS21.0进行统计分析。结果:不同种植体之间的骨吸收速度无统计学差异(P>0.05);种植体植入后1个月与3个月之间,3个月与6个月之间,1个月与12个月之间的种植体周围骨吸收速度有非常显著性意义(P<0.01)结论:不同种植体骨吸收速度无差异,种植体植入1个月,6个月时周围骨吸收速率最大。

关 键 词:种植体  骨吸收  速率  牙槽骨  骨测量

The clinical research of dental implant bone absorption rate after oral dental implantation
Abstract:Objective:Observe after implantation alveolar bone resorption, evaluate its bone absorption rate of different implant and different time after implantation. Methods: Implants were collected, which in-cluding ITI implants, DIO implants, OSSTEM implants and BLB implants from 1998 to 2013 in Weifang People's Hospital dental planting center. Take panoramic tomography at the first, third, sixth and twelfth month after the implant surgery. And measure the resorption around the implant bone. SPSS21.0 was used for statistical analysis. Results:There was no statistical significance in the bone re-sorption between different implants (P>0.05). There was significant difference(P<0.01) of the peri-im-plant bone resorption rate at different post-operation times from between the first month and the third month, the third month and the sixth month, the first month and the twelfth month. Conclusion: After implant surgery, the maximal peri-implant bone resorption occurs at the third and the sixth month.
Keywords:implant  bone resoption  speed  alveolar bone  bone measure
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