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Loss of types XV and XIX collagen precedes basement membrane invasion in ductal carcinoma of the female breast
Authors:Amenta Peter S  Hadad Salim  Lee Maria T  Barnard Nicola  Li Deqin  Myers Jeanne C
Affiliation:Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School--UMDNJ, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903, USA. Amenta@UMDNJ.edu
Ductal and lobular carcinomas comprise most malignancies of the female breast and the morbidity and mortality associated with breast cancer. During the progression from in situ to invasive stages, tumour cells penetrate the epithelial and vascular basement membranes (BM) to realize full metastatic potential. While the definition of these structures has primarily resulted from analysis of laminin and type IV collagen, characterization of newly discovered BM/BM zone (BMZ) proteins will further elucidate the interactions between tumour cells and the host stroma. We have studied the expression of two non-fibrillar BMZ collagens, the type XV proteoglycan and collagen XIX, in breast cancer where a linear, well-formed BM becomes fragmented and even lost in the progression of epithelial malignancy. In the normal breast, types XV and XIX were found in all BMZ: epithelial, muscle, neural, endothelial, and fat. In in situ lesions, these two collagens, and particularly type XV, were often absent from the BM/BMZ displaying a continuous or just focally disrupted type IV/laminin staining pattern. In contrast, infiltrating ductal carcinomas showed only rare traces of laminin and collagen IV reactivity adjacent to the glands and tumour nests, and similarly there was little if any evidence of types XV and XIX collagen. All four molecules were, however, detected in the interstitium associated with some of the invasive carcinomas. The data suggest that types XV and XIX collagen are lost early in the development of invasive tumours, prior to penetration and eventual dissolution of the epithelial BM. Disappearance of these proteins from the BM/BMZ may signal remodelling of the extracellular matrix to promote tumour cell infiltration.
Keywords:collagen  laminin  basement membrane  breast  in situ carcinoma
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