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The method of teaching therapy--the problem approach to diagnosis
Authors:S Ia Maramaa
The methodology of a so-called task force approach to the diagnosis is suggested. It determines the strategy of the physician's diagnostic searches in some problems occurring in the examination of patients afflicted with the given disease. The problems (stages, levels of examination) show how one should reason, i. e. they form concrete bases for clinical thinking. According to this methodology, the symptoms should be classified with separate diagnostic problems--trends or stages of the patient's examination at the stage of a probable diagnosis establishment. The task force approach is a method of analysis which prevents potential gross diagnostic errors by means of deciding the main questions (functional, pathogenetic, etc.). A well-defined wording of the above-indicated problems--concrete regularities of the clinical thinking--are of paramount importance in teaching therapy. Examples are provided of the task force approach to the diagnosis of pyelonephritis, infectious myocarditis, anemia, and some other diseases.
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