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A Firefly Algorithm-based Approach for Pseudo-Relevance Feedback: Application to Medical Database
Authors:Ilyes Khennak  Habiba Drias
Affiliation:1.Laboratory for Research in Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science Department, USTHB,Bab Ezzouar,Algeria
Abstract:The difficulty of disambiguating the sense of the incomplete and imprecise keywords that are extensively used in the search queries has caused the failure of search systems to retrieve the desired information. One of the most powerful and promising method to overcome this shortcoming and improve the performance of search engines is Query Expansion, whereby the user’s original query is augmented by new keywords that best characterize the user’s information needs and produce more useful query. In this paper, a new Firefly Algorithm-based approach is proposed to enhance the retrieval effectiveness of query expansion while maintaining low computational complexity. In contrast to the existing literature, the proposed approach uses a Firefly Algorithm to find the best expanded query among a set of expanded query candidates. Moreover, this new approach allows the determination of the length of the expanded query empirically. Experimental results on MEDLINE, the on-line medical information database, show that our proposed approach is more effective and efficient compared to the state-of-the-art.
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