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引用本文:苗茂华, 曲成毅, 任艳峰, 白丽霞. 太原市城区老年人认知功能及影响因素调查[J]. 中国公共卫生, 2008, 24(8): 991-992. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws2008-24-08-52
作者姓名:苗茂华  曲成毅  任艳峰  白丽霞
作者单位:1.上海市计划生育科学研究所流行病研究室, 200032;2.山西医科大学流行病学教研室;3.潍坊医学院统计教研室;4.山西省儿童医院
摘    要:目的通过对社区老年人认知功能的横断面调查,探讨老年人认知功能随年龄增加改变的规律。方法以山西省太原市5个社区的1 065名60岁以上非痴呆老年人作为研究对象,进行认知功能测查及一般情况调查。结果算术、数字广度、填图、木块图几项测验得分在年龄组间差异均有统计学意义(F值分别为8.31,4.97,3.52,4.50;P均<0.05)。在不同受教育程度者间差异也有统计学意义(F值分别为29.19,36.94,19.39,18.25,P均<0.05)。性别对除数字广度测验(F=1.774,P>0.05)以外的其他3项测验得分影响差异有统计学意义(F值依次为36.58,15.39,5.54;P均<0.05)。受教育程度与年龄有交互作用。结论年龄是认知功能下降的危险因素,特别是75岁以后各项认知功能都处在低于65岁之前的水平。受教育水平对认知功能下降的保护作用有限,75岁以后受教育水平高者认知功能的优势减弱。

关 键 词:认知功能  老年人  影响因素

Investigation on cognitive ability of aged people in Taiyuan city
MIAO Mao-hua, QU Cheng-yi, REN Yan-feng, . Investigation on cognitive ability of aged people in Taiyuan city[J]. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 2008, 24(8): 991-992. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws2008-24-08-52
Authors:MIAO Mao-hua  QU Cheng-yi  REN Yan-feng
Affiliation:1.Department of Epidemiology, Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood, Shanghai 200032, China
Abstract:ObjectiveTo explore age related decline of cognitive ability in aged people in community.MethodsA total of 1 065 non-dementia aged people were recruited from five districts of Taiyuan,China.The cognitive ability and the demographic characteristics of the subjects were investigated.ResultsAge and education were associated with the score of all of the four subtests.Gender was associated with all of the subtests except for digit span.Interaction to the score of cognitive tests was found between age and education.ConclusionAge is a risk factor for cognitive decline which showed its effect particularly after the age of 75.The priority of education decreased after the age of 75,indicating that the protective effect of education to cognition is age-limited.
Keywords:cognition  aged people  risk factor
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