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Longitudinal and cross-sectional changes in active commuting to school among Brazilian schoolchildren
Authors:Filipe F Costa  Kelly S Silva  Camilie P Schmoelz  Vanessa C Campos  Maria Alice A de Assis
  • a Graduate Physical Education Program, Federal University of Santa Catarina, University Campus — Trindade, Florianopolis, Brazil
  • b Graduate Nutrition Program, Federal University of Santa Catarina, University Campus — Trindade, Florianopolis, Brazil
  • c Department of Physiology, University of Lausanne, 1005 Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Abstract:


    The objective of the study is to evaluate cross-sectional and longitudinal changes in children's commuting to school in a representative sample of a Brazilian city.


    Two school-based studies were carried out in 2002 (n = 2936; 7-10 years old) and 2007 (n = 1232; 7-15 years old) in Florianopolis, Brazil. Cross-sectional data were collected from children aged 7 to 10 years in 2002 and 2007. Longitudinal analyses were performed with data from 733 children participating in both surveys. Children self-reported their mode of transportation to school using a validated illustrated questionnaire. Changes were tested with chi square statistics and McNemar's test.


    Cross-sectional data showed a 17% decline in active commuting; a decrease from 49% in 2002 to 41% in 2007. On the other hand, active commuting among the 733 children increased as they entered adolescence 5 years later, rising from 40% to 49%.


    Active commuting to school decreased in Brazilian children aged 7-10 years over a five year period; whereas, it increased among children entering adolescence. Policies should focus on safety and environmental determinants to increase active commuting.
    Keywords:Physical activity   Commuting   Trend   Child   Adolescent
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