Abstract: | We have developed methodology and stereotactic software for an operating room computer and imaging system. Patients undergo preoperative CT, MR and DSA imaging with their heads fixed in a stereotactic headholder. Localization systems attach to the headholder during the studies to create reference marks for computer transformation of points and volumes into three-dimensional stereotactic space. At the operating room computer console, the surgeon selects target points, avascular trajectories and tumour boundaries for volume reconstruction. Surgical approaches are simulated and target coordinates calculated. During surgery, the computer interactively monitors the position of stereotactically directed surgical instruments in relationship to the resident database along any viewing angle and conveniently superimposes the multiple data sources. We have found this system useful to provide rapid data acquisition and retrieval, accurate target point calculations, lesion volume reconstructions, and a convenient ability to reformat data from multiple sources in a manner useful to the surgeon and beneficial to the patient. |