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引用本文:陈祥凤 朱汝平. 急性盆腔炎32例临床分析及治疗[J]. 上海医药, 1999, 20(6): 22-23
作者姓名:陈祥凤 朱汝平
作者单位:上海市第二人民医院妇产科,上海市第二人民医院妇产科,上海市第二人民医院妇产科 上海 200011,上海 200011,上海 200011
摘    要:目的:分析急性盆腔炎的病因、病原体、预防及治疗。方法:追踪我院妇产科自1997年1月至1998年2月收治的32例急性盆腔炎病人的诱发因素,并在治疗前均作了宫颈分泌物培养,按不同的病原体及病理状况分别治疗。结果:本病诱发因素各不相同,因此应采用不同的预防措施。本组32例病人中,30例(93.75%)经药物治疗痊愈,2例因有盆腔脓肿形成,且经药物治疗无效,行手术治疗痊愈。结论:急性盆腔炎的诱因繁多,有时为混合感染。作者认为妇女的自我保护意识及性教育亟待加强。中西医结合治疗,遵循足够剂量和足够疗程的原则以及根据不同病原体、不同病理,采用不同的药物和方法,方可取得满意的效果。

关 键 词:急性盆腔炎  病原体  抗生素

Clinical Analysis and Treatment of 32 Cases of Acute Pelvic Inflammation
Chen Xiangfeng,Zhu Ruping and Ye Qingyun. Clinical Analysis and Treatment of 32 Cases of Acute Pelvic Inflammation[J]. Shanghai Medical & Pharmaceutical Journal, 1999, 20(6): 22-23
Authors:Chen Xiangfeng  Zhu Ruping  Ye Qingyun
Abstract:AIMS:To analyse the etiology, pathogen, prevention and treatment of acute pelvic inflammation. METHODS: The predisposing factors of 32 cases of acute pelvic inflammation admitted from Jan. 1997 to Feb. 1998 were investigated. The cervical discharge of each patient was cultured before initiation of treatment. The treatment of each patient was based on the cultured pathogen and pathological process. RESULTS:The predisposing factors varied widely,so that the prophylactic measures should vary accordingly. Of the 32 patients,30(93. 75%) were cured by medical treatment and the remaining 2 complicated cases were cured eventually surgically after unsuccessful medicinal treatment. CONCLUSION:There are many disposing causes for acute pelvic inflammation,and sometimes the inflammation is caused by mixed infection. The self-protection consciousness of and sex education for women need to be strengthened. By the combination of Chinese traditional and west- ern medicine,following the principles of adequate dosage and adequate course of treatment ,pursuing different drugs and methods according to the causative pathogen and pathological process,acute pelvic inflammations will no doubt be cured satisfactorilly.
Keywords:acute pelvic inflammation  pathogen  antibiotics
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