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引用本文:钟晨阳,王建业,邓庶民. 血清PSA值和前列腺结节指导前列腺穿刺活检的临床意义[J]. 中华泌尿外科杂志, 2000, 21(4): 229-231
作者姓名:钟晨阳  王建业  邓庶民
摘    要:
目的 探讨血清PSA浓度变化与前列腺癌及其骨转移的相关性。方法 对93例直肠指诊异常及血清PSA〉4ng/ml的患者,行直脾性B超引志下前列腺穿刺活检;用99mTc-MDP行全身骨扫描判断有无骨。结果 93例中前列腺活检阳性者60例,其中26例扫描阳性;随血清PSA浓度升高,前列腺阳性活检率及其远处骨转移阳性率升高。 血清PSA升高与前列腺癌及其骨转移的发生率呈正相关。

关 键 词:前列腺肿瘤 癌 PSA 前列腺穿刺 活检

SerumPSA level and prostatic nodule on palpation in the detection of prostatic cancer
ZHONG Chenyang,WANG Jianye,DENG Shumin,et al.. SerumPSA level and prostatic nodule on palpation in the detection of prostatic cancer[J]. Chinese Journal of Urology, 2000, 21(4): 229-231
Authors:ZHONG Chenyang  WANG Jianye  DENG Shumin  et al.
Affiliation:ZHONG Chenyang,WANG Jianye,DENG Shumin,et al.Department of Urology,the Beijing Hospital,Beijing 100730,China
Objective To evaluate the serum prostate specific antigen level in the detection of prostate cancer and skeletal metastasis. Methods Transrectal ultrasound guided needle biopsy of prostate was carried out for 93 subjects with an elevated serum PSA(>4.0ng/ml)and abnormal findings on rectal palpation.Whole body bone scintigraphy was undertaken for the detection of skeletal metastasis. Results 60(64.5%) of the 93 were diagnosed as prostatic cancer on biopsy of which 26 have had positive bone scan findings. Conclusions Prostate cancer and bony metastasis were more likely when serum PSA has been elevated.
Keywords:Prostate neoplasms Carcinoma Prostate specific antigen
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