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Coping with economic crisis: policy development in China and India
Affiliation:Takemi Professor of International Health, Harvard School of Public Health USA
This paper explores health policy options in response to economiccrises in developing countries. The paper is based upon thepremise that policy is best pursued within a broad understandingof the determinants of health of populations. To provide anempirical base for analysis, the health status and health caresystems of China and India are compared. A conceptual frameworkon the determinants of the health status of populations is thendeveloped, incorporating both the performance of health caresystems and non-medical factors which influence health. Usingthe China and India experiences, the paper reviews the strengthsand weaknesses of traditional tools used in the analysis ofhealth policy. Significant policy change, it is argued, is bestimplemented through structural change of several health caresystem components simultaneously. Health policy analysis, itis further argued, must consider the broader political economyof the society. Moreover, there remain many imperfectly understoodsociocultural aspects of behaviour which enable some familiesto produce good health despite economic constraints. The paperconcludes that economic crisis presents an opportunity for astructural review of a society's health systems. Health policyoptions in response to economic crisis cannot be confined tothe health care sector. Rather, health policy should be viewedas only one, perhaps important, element of a package of socioeconomicpolicy options. Critical to policy choices are reliable informationon the condition of the poor and high political priority tominimize the adverse impact of economic crisis on the health,nutrition and social welfare of disadvantaged groups.
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