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摘    要:目的 探讨肠道-下腔静脉引流的胰肾联合移植术的手术操作及临床效果.方法 对3例慢性肾衰竭合并2型糖尿病患者施行肠道-腔静脉引流的胰肾联合移植术,3例均为首次移植,年龄52、58、58岁.每日胰岛素用量20~55 U.供体切取均采用多器官联合切取.热缺血时间8~12 min,供体修整均采用肝总动脉与胃十二指肠动脉端-端吻合以重建十二指肠动脉弓,利用供体髂总静脉延长供体门静脉,切除供体脾脏.以供体髂内动脉与供肾动脉端-端吻合备用.受者手术采用右下腹经腹直肌切口,游离腔静脉下段及右侧髂外动静脉,取动脉延长之供肾,将供肾静脉与受者髂外静脉行端-侧吻合,将供体髂总动脉与受者髂外动脉行端-侧吻合,供体髂外动脉(残端修整成斜面)以动脉夹暂时夹闭备用,十字切开侧腹膜,将供肾埋入,输尿管经腹膜外隧道牵至膀胱底行膀胱输尿管吻合术,胰腺移植采用供体门静脉与受者下腔静脉行端-侧吻合,腹腔干-肠系膜上动脉之腹主动脉袖片与供体髂外动脉残端吻合,开放血流后行供体十二指肠与受体小肠侧侧吻合并关闭十二指肠残端.术后保留胃肠减压,待患者胃肠道功能恢复后拔除.每4 h测血糖、每6 h测血清及胰周引流液淀粉酶1次,每日超声监测胰腺及肾脏血流,生长抑素0.1 mg皮下注射8 h 1次,2周后停用.免疫诱导采用抗胸腺细胞免疫球蛋白减激素方案.结果 3例患者手术过程顺利,手术时间分别为7.5、8.0及10.0 h,术中失血量300~500 ml,仅1例术中输注浓缩红细胞2 U.术后1~3 d内完全停用胰岛素.术后3~7 d内移植肾功能恢复正常.实验室检查SCr分别为86、98及112μmol/L.1例术后10 d出现消化道出血,考虑为肠道吻合口出血;停用抗凝药.给予止血药及输血6 U治疗后1 d出血停止.3例随访2~6个月,无排斥反应发生,空腹及餐后血糖正常.结论 利用供体髂动脉搭桥的方法进行的胰肾同侧联合移植术手术操作简单,创伤较小而且仪使用一侧髂血管,对于左侧髂动脉硬化严重的患者仍可施行该术式.因而扩大了受者的范围;为患者保留一侧髂血管,为今后再次肾移植创造了条件.同时腔静脉引流的胰肾联合移植术使供体门静脉与脾静脉的夹角更符合生理角度,可能减少脾静脉血栓形成的发生率.

关 键 词:胰肾联合移植  肠道  腔静脉    糖尿病  2型  尿毒症

Intestine-interior vena cava drainage with simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation
Abstract:0bjective To assess the operation procedure and the clinical effects of the intestine-interior vena cava drainage with simultaneous pancreas-kidney(SPK)transplantation. Methods Three patients with diabetes mellitus and chronic renal failure underwent intestine-vena cava drainage with simultaneous SPK transplantation.Multi-organ harvest(MOH)was performed in all 3 cases and all the donor'S duodenum artery accepted reconstruction.Donor's portal vein was anastomosed end to side with recipient's interior vena cava.The abdominal artery patch of celiac and superior mesenteric arterv was anastomosed to recipient'S external iliac artery through donor'S iliac artery bypass.Donor' s duodenal were anastomosed side to side with recipient's small intestine. Results A1l patients recovered smoothly and the grafts'function was perfect.Gastrointestinal bleeding occurred in one case 10 days after surgery and was considered as intestinal anastomosis bleeding.He was treated with con- servative treatment and recovered. Conclusions SPK(same side)bypassed through donor's iliac ar- tery shows easier manipulation,less severe trauma and wider scope of recipient.Moreover.one side of iliac artery is kept untouched which will benefit the recipient'S second kidney transplantation when needed.Simultaneously,interior vena cava drainage with simultaneous SPK provides a better anatomic angle of portal vein and splenic vein,which can possibly decrease the incidence of vein thrombosis.
Keywords:Simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation  Intestinal  Vena cava,inferior  Diabetes mellitus,type 2  Uremia
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