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引用本文:姚秋妹,郝丽萍. 医科大学生营养状况调查与影响因素分析[J]. 实用预防医学, 2012, 19(3): 371-374
作者姓名:姚秋妹  郝丽萍
摘    要:
目的了解医科大学生营养状况,并分析其影响因素,为促进医科大学生健康提供依据。方法对400名在校医科大学生进行问卷调查。问卷涉及一般情况、营养知识调查、营养态度行为及习惯调查、营养与健康状况调查、体力活动调查、膳食频次调查、膳食营养计算七个方面;参照《中国居民膳食指南(2007)》[1],对被调查者营养素摄入情况进行评价;使用体质指数以评价学生的营养状况;应用卡方检验进行分析。结果 400名医科大学生中,各营养素摄入量〈80%推荐摄入量的人数所占比例,三大主要功能物质蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物男生分别为74.16%、94.74%、85.17%,女生分别为62.3%、93.72%、90.05%;微量元素钙、铁、锌男生分别为90.43%、62.2%、83.73%,女生分别为90.05%、70.16%、63.87%;维生素A、B1、B2、PP、C男生分别为81.82%、88.04%、87.56%、66.99%、87.56%,女生分别为69.87%、87.96%、74.35%、58.12%、80.63%。研究的因素包括性别(χ2=47.935,P=0.000)、家庭人均月收入(χ2=11.58,P=0.021)、在校期间平均每月生活费(χ2=6.636,P=0.036)、在校期间每月单纯用于食物的费用(χ2=6.245,P=0.044)、体育锻炼时间(χ2=12.55,P=0.002)、体育锻炼强度(χ2=7.804,P=0.020)、父亲文化程度(χ2=2.851,P=0.240)、母亲文化程度(χ2=3.221,P=0.200)、具有的营养知识(χ2=1.803,P=0.614)。结论医科大学生中有一定比例学生食物摄入总能量不达标,各营养成分如蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、维生素、微量元素摄入量未达到参考值,情况不容乐观。医科大学生的营养状况受到性别、家庭人均月收入、在校期间平均每月生活费、在校期间每月单纯用于食物的费用、体育锻炼时间、强度多因素影响。

关 键 词:医科大学生  营养状况  营养知识  膳食调查

Survey on Nutritional Status of Medical College Students and Analysis of the Influencing Factors
YAO Qiu-mei , HAO Li-ping. Survey on Nutritional Status of Medical College Students and Analysis of the Influencing Factors[J]. Practical Preventive Medicine, 2012, 19(3): 371-374
Authors:YAO Qiu-mei    HAO Li-ping
Affiliation:(Tongji Medical College,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430030,Hubei,China)
Objective To investigate the nutritional status of medical college students and analyze the impact factors,and to provide the evidence for promoting the health of medical college students. Methods With cluster random sampling,400 medical college students were selected for a questionnaire survey.The questionnaire included seven aspects,general situation,nutritional knowledge survey,nutrition attitude,behavior and habit survey,nutrition and health status survey,physical activity survey,dietary frequency survey and dietary nutrition survey.The respondents’ nutrient intakes were evaluated according to the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents(2007). Body mass index was used to assess the nutritional situation of the students.Chi-square test was adopted in the analysis. Results Among 400 medical college students,the ratios of students whose intakes of three major energy nutrients(protein,fat,and carbohydrate) were less than 80% RNI(recommended nutrient intake) were 74.16%,94.74%,85.17% in boys and 62.3%,93.72%,90.05% in girls;those of calcium,iron,zinc were 90.43%,62.2%, 83.73% in boys and 90.05%,70.16%,63.87% in girls;those of vitamin A,B1, B2, PP,C were 81.82%,88.04%,87.56%,66.99%,87.56% in boys and 69.87%,87.96%,74.35%,58.12%,80.63% in girls.The factors included sex(χ2=47.935,P=0.000),per capita income of family per mouth(χ2=11.58,P=0.021),monthly living expenses at school(χ2=6.636,P=0.036),monthly expenses for food at school(χ2=6.245,P=0.044),time for exercise(χ2=12.55,P=0.002),exercise intensity(χ2=7.804,P=0.020),father’s educational level(χ2=2.851,P=0.240),mother’s educational level(χ2=3.221,P=0.200),nutritional knowledge possessed by respondents(χ2=1.803,P=0.614). Conclusions A certain proportion of medical college students lacked total energy,and the nutrient intakes,including protein,fat,carbohydrate,vitamin and trace elements did not reach the standards.The nutritional status of the medical college students may be related to the following factors: sex,per capita income of family per mouth,monthly living expenses at school,monthly expenses for food at school,time for exercise and exercise intensity.
Keywords:Medical college students  Nutritional status  Nutritional knowledge  Dietary survey
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