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引用本文:赵艳芝,李进,王芹,穆传杰. 恶性肿瘤基因治疗和放射治疗相互作的机制及联合治疗展望[J]. 国际放射医学核医学杂志, 2006, 30(4): 250-253
作者姓名:赵艳芝  李进  王芹  穆传杰
摘    要:放疗和基因治疗是恶性肿瘤治疗的两种手段,放疗通过提高基因的转移效率、DNA的重组整合及诱导基因的表达等机制增强基因治疗的效果,基因治疗通过提高辐射敏感性、减少正常组织放疗损伤、修复辐射受损的基因及提高血管的功能等机制提高放疗的效果,两者的联合治疗有协同作用。

关 键 词:肿瘤  放射疗法  基因疗法  联合疗法

The mechanisms of inter-effect about gene therapy and raidotherapy to tumor and the prospect of therapeutic alliance
ZHAO Yan-zhi,LI Jin,WANG Qin,MU Chuan-jie. The mechanisms of inter-effect about gene therapy and raidotherapy to tumor and the prospect of therapeutic alliance[J]. International Journal of Radiation Medicine and Nuclear Medicine, 2006, 30(4): 250-253
Authors:ZHAO Yan-zhi  LI Jin  WANG Qin  MU Chuan-jie
Abstract:The way about oncotherapy include radio therapy and gene therapy,in the recent years there are some improve about the therapy alliance, by the mechanism of improving the efficiency of the gene transfering, the recombination and conform of the DNA and induction the expressiong of the gene et. The radiotherapy can enhance the effect of the gene therapy. By the mechanism of improving of radiosensitivitysome, reducing the radiation damage of radiotherapy, repairing the radiation impaired gene the gene therapy can enhance the effect of the radiotherapy.
Keywords:Neoplosms  Radiotherapy  Gene therapy  Therapeutic alliance
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