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Epithelial cells are the major source of biologically active granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor in human endometrium
Authors:Giacomini, G.   Tabibzadeh, S.S.   Satyaswaroop, P.G.   Bonsi, L.   Vitale, L.   Bagnara, G.P.   Strippoli, P.   Jasonni, V.M.
Affiliation:Reproductive Medicine Unit, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Bologna Bologna 40138 1Histology Institute, University of Bologna Bologna 40126, Italy and Department of Pathology, H.Lee Moffitt Cancer Center at the University of South Florida Tampa 33612, FL 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hershey Medical Center Hershey, PA, USA
Abstract:Granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) hasemerged as an important growth factor for trophoblast and otherplacental cells, leading to improved placental functioning andfetal survival. Recent observations have indicated that GM-CSFis synthesized by epithelial cells in the murine pregnant andnon-pregnant uterus. In this study, the production of GM-CSFby cells derived from human endometrium is assessed using asensitive bioassay and specific neutralization of the cytokinebioactivity with a monoclonal antibody to GM-CSF. Originally,GM-CSF was assayed in the culture supernatants of explant culturesof human endometria. Concentrations of GM-CSF up to 4440 pg/mlwere detected. Subsequently, enriched epithelial cell cultureswere prepared from glands isolated from human endometrium. Thepurity of epithelial cultures was demonstrated by the expressionof cytokeratin, a weak immunoreactivity for vimentin and a lackof immunoreactivity for leukocyte common antigen, CD68, a macrophage-specificprotein and endothelial marker (factor VIH-related antigens).Detected concentrations of GM-CSF were as high as 18 800 pg/ml.Furthermore, pure epithelial cells of a neoplastic endometrialcell line ECC1 secreted GM-CSF, confirming the ability of endometrialepithelial cells to secrete this cytokine. The immunostainingof dated endometria from proliferative and secretory phasesshowed primarily that epithelial cells, and to a lesser extentstromal cells, exhibited immunoreactivity for GM-CSF. A Westernblot analysis, performed to validate the immunohistochemicaldata, confirmed the presence of an immunoreactive gene productfor GM-CSF in human endometrium throughout the menstrual cycle.These findings indicate that human endometrium synthesizes GM-CSFand that epithelial cells are a major contributor to its production.
Keywords:cytokine/GM-CSF/human endometrium
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