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Death rates at specific life stages mold the sex gap in life expectancy
Authors:Virginia Zarulli  Ilya Kashnitsky  James W. Vaupel
Affiliation:aInterdisciplinary Centre on Population Dynamics, University of Southern Denmark, DK-5230 Odense, Denmark
Why do women live longer than men? Here, we mine rich lodes of demographic data to reveal that lower female mortality at particular ages is decisive—and that the important ages changed around 1950. Earlier, excess mortality among baby boys was crucial; afterward, the gap largely resulted from elevated mortality among men 60+. Young males bear modest responsibility for the sex gap in life expectancy: Depending on the country and time, their mortality accounts for less than a quarter and often less than a 10th of the gap. Understanding the impact on life expectancy of differences between male and female risks of death by age, over time, and across populations yields insights for research on how the lives of men and women differ.

Between ages 15 and 40, death rates for men are usually two or three times higher than death rates for women. This disparity has fueled widespread interest in the ratio of male to female death rates over the life course and in why it is exceptionally high for younger adults (16). Between ages 15 and 40, however, numbers of deaths are relatively low, so the high ratio of male to female death rates has a modest impact on the gap between female and male life expectancies. The sex difference in life expectancy hinges on differences in mortality risks at the ages when deaths are relatively common (7). Up through the early decades of the 20th century, these ages were at both extremes of life, infancy and old age. Afterward, death mostly struck after age 60. Here, we investigate variation across populations, over time, and over the life course in absolute and relative differences in mortality for men and women. We discuss what insights can be gained by scrutinizing relative risks compared to what can be learned by analyzing absolute risks.
Keywords:sex gap   life expectancy   decomposition
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