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引用本文:O. J. Horna-Campos,A. Bedoya-Lama,N. C. Romero-Sandoval,M. Martin-Mateo,李峻[译],王雪静[译]. 秘鲁利马公共交通工作人员患结核病的风险[J]. 结核与肺部疾病杂志, 2011, 6(3): 121-126
作者姓名:O. J. Horna-Campos  A. Bedoya-Lama  N. C. Romero-Sandoval  M. Martin-Mateo  李峻[译]  王雪静[译]
作者单位:[1]Grupa de Recerca d'America i Africa Llatines (GRAAL), Unidad de Bioestadistica, Facultad de Medicina, UniversidadAutonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; t p S San Antonio, Direccion de Salud IV Lima Este, Lima, Peru; [2]GrupoGRAAL, FacuItad de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador [3]不详, FacuItad de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador
基金项目:This study was partly funded by the ' Aut6noma Solidaria' Foundation of the Universitat Aut6noma de Barcelona (FAS- UAB) and by the Spanish Lung and Respiratory Diseases Association (SEPARsolidaria). The authors are grateful for the collaboration of all health personnel of the Santa Clara micro-network, and of the East Lima Health Directorate. Thanks also to Juan Herrera Noblecilla, of the Lima Municipality Department of Urban Transport Regulation. They are also grateful to the University of Buenos Aires School of Public Health for providing a setting in which to discuss and develop this work, and particularly to E Consiglio for constructive criticism and comments on the text.
摘    要:背景:对涂阳肺结核可疑症状者的诊断和治疗延迟可能会使其密切接触者成为新的患者。特别是在一些密闭的环境中,如在拥挤的公交车上,乘客和公交人员都处于感染肺结核的风险中。目的:了解研究地区结核病患者的发病率,以及公交人员中结核病和耐多药结核病患者的比例。方法:根据2007年1月1日至2008年6月30日期间内部卫生体系中所有结核病发病患者的病案资料,计算粗发病率和间接标化发病率。分析公交人员中结核病患者的比例以及在公交部门工作和耐多药结核病的相关性。结果:公交人员的结核病标化发病率比所有男性工作年龄组人群和研究地区全部人群的标化发病率高2.7~4.5倍。结核病、耐多药结核病和在公交部门工作的相关性较高(比值比分别为OR=3.06,95%CJ:2.2~4.2,OR=3.14,95%CJ:1.1~9.1)。结论:结果表明,日常乘坐公交车是感染结核病的一个危险因素,在与秘鲁相似国家中其也是感染结核病的一项职业危险因素。

关 键 词:肺结核  公共交通  职业风险

Risk of tuberculosis in public transport sector workers,Lima, Peru
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