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引用本文:王曙光,徐金勇. 关于系统解剖学教学改革的几点思考[J]. 井冈山医专学报, 2009, 16(1): 35-36
作者姓名:王曙光  徐金勇
摘    要:目的针对系统解剖学教学中出现的问题,尝试对系统解剖学进行教学改革,以培养创新性、应用性的医学人才。方法把PBL模式导人日常教学活动中,并配以教学内容的优化选择与考核方式的补充、更改等方式方法。结果经过教学内容、教学方法和考核方法的改革,提高了学生的创新和应用能力。结论教学内容的专业针对性选择,PBL教学模式的应用以及考核方式的变更极大地激发学生的学习兴趣,提高教学效果,是行之有效的教改方案。

关 键 词:系统解剖学  教学改革  创新  PBL

Discussion on the teaching reform of systematic anatomy
WANG Shu-guang,XU Jing-yong. Discussion on the teaching reform of systematic anatomy[J]. Journal of Jinggangshan Medical College, 2009, 16(1): 35-36
Authors:WANG Shu-guang  XU Jing-yong
Affiliation:WANG Shu-guang, XU Jing-yong (1.School of Medicine, Anhui Medical University, Hefei 230601, China; 2.Department of Human Anatomy, Anhui Medical University, Hefei 230601, China)
Abstract:Objective: To attempt to reform the traditional teaching mode to develop innovative and applied talents according to the existing problems in the teaehing process of systematic anatomy. Methods: Problem Based Learning (PBL) model was implemented in systematie anatomy teaching, and assisted by optimizing teaching content and reform of evaluation mode. Results: After the reform of teaching content,teaching methods and examination methods,increased the students applieation and innovative capacity; Conclusion: Because of the profession choose of teaching content, the application of PBL teaching mode, as well as the change of examination ways,which greatly inspired the students interest,enhanced the effectiveness of the teaching, thus, this is an effective program of teaching reform.
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