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Laser Doppler imaging prediction of burn wound outcome in children
Authors:Holland A J A  Martin H C O  Cass D T
Affiliation:Department of Academic Surgery, Division of Surgery, The Children's Hospital at Westmead, Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children, The University of Sydney, Locked Bag 4001, NSW 2145, Westmead, Australia. andrewh3@chw.edu.au
The ability of laser Doppler imaging (LDI) to evaluate burn depth in children was investigated. Fifty-seven patients were prospectively studied over a 10-month period. Each patient was clinically assessed, photographed and independently scanned between 36 and 72 h of the burn. Patients were reviewed until wound healing had occurred within 12 days or skin grafting had been performed. The median age was 1 year and 10 months (range 5 months to 15 years and 8 months). The median body surface area burnt was 7.0% (range 0.5-30%). In 30 patients, the burn did not heal within 12 days, 17 of which were grafted. Clinical examination correctly determined 66% of deep partial or full thickness burns between 36 and 72 h of injury compared to 90% using LDI. The LDI was also more specific; correctly diagnosing 96% of superficial partial thickness burns as opposed to 71% on clinical examination. Moderate degrees of movement did not appear to limit the accuracy of the scan.
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