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溃变纤维Fink-Heimer Ⅱ法镀银染色后漂白复染技术
引用本文:高秀来,徐群渊. 溃变纤维Fink-Heimer Ⅱ法镀银染色后漂白复染技术[J]. 神经解剖学杂志, 1991, 7(2): 255-258
作者姓名:高秀来  徐群渊
作者单位:首都医学院解剖学教研室,首都医学院解剖学教研室,首都医学院解剖学教研室,首都医学院解剖学教研室 北京 100054,北京 100054,北京 100054,北京 100054
摘    要:
Fink-Heiller Ⅱ法能较好地分辨溃变纤维和溃变终末,广泛它用于神经束略的追踪。但该法常因正常组织中有许多金属银颗粒不能全部去除而造成切片背景不清,又固不能区分溃变来末梢周围的细胞构筑关系而致评价溃变终末的范围造成困难。本实验将Fink-Heimer Ⅱ法染色后的切片作漂白处理,而后作焦油紫复染。结果表明,经漂白处理的切片正常组织完全漂白而使背景清晰,而黑色的溃变纤维不受影响,完全保留。经复染的切片,复染的神经细胞显示较佳,能很好地反映出溃变终末的分布范围。因而是一种较为理想的溃变染色技术。

关 键 词:皮质脊髓束  溃变纤维  Fink-HeimerⅡ法染色  漂白复染

Gao Xiulai,Xu Qunyuan,Chen Yaliang,Luo Yingjin. BLEACHING AND COUNTERSTAINING OF FINK-HEIMER Ⅱ IMPREGNATED DEGENERATING FIBERS[J]. Chinese Journal of Neuroanatomy, 1991, 7(2): 255-258
Authors:Gao Xiulai  Xu Qunyuan  Chen Yaliang  Luo Yingjin
The degeneration method of Fink-Heimer Ⅱ, by which degenerating fibers and terminals can be well demonstrated, has been widelyused for tracing neural pathways in the central nervous system, In this method, however, the staining of sections is often obscured because metal silver granules in the normal tissue are not easy to be removed during the procedure. In addition, the distribution of degeneration are hardly evaluated owing to cytoarchitectonic organization of the neutral structures is not well developed. Bleaching and counterstaining with cresyl violet following Fink-Heimer Ⅱ method have been tried in the present study. The results have Shown that the stained normal tissue is totally bleached and the degeneration remain unaffected in a clear background. After counterstaining the locations of degeneration are nicely shown in the sections with a clear pattern of cytoarchitectonic scheme. It is indicated, that the bleaching and counterstaining are useful for improving degeneration techniques.
Keywords:corticospinal tract   degenerating fibers   Fink-Heimer Ⅱ bleaching   counterstaining
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