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A novel over-the-scope deployment method for enteral stent placement
Authors:Eric M. Pauli  Steve J. Schomisch  Jeffrey A. Blatnik  David M. Krpata  Juan S. Sanabria  Jeffrey M. Marks
Affiliation:1. Department of Surgery, University Hospitals Case Medical Center, 11100 Euclid Ave., Mail Stop LKS 5047, Cleveland, OH, 44106, USA


Over the last two decades, self-expanding enteral stents have gained popularity and shown therapeutic potential for strictures, obstructions, fistulae, and perforations of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Currently available stent delivery systems make deployment in many locations in the GI tract difficult due to the inability to traverse curves or impossible due to the size requirements of the deployment systems.


A 67-year-old male presented to our hospital with severe gallstone pancreatitis, requiring a prolonged intensive care unit course. Two days after discharge to a rehabilitation facility he developed acute abdominal pain and pneumoperitoneum. Operative exploration failed to identify a perforation. Subsequently, a left-upper-quadrant abscess developed that was drained percutaneously, yielding coliform bacteria. The drain produced several hundred milliliters of stool a day. A barium enema demonstrated a perforation in the descending colon from an old colo-colic anastomosis site. We proposed a novel over-the-scope (OTS) stent deployment method. Utilizing a heat-activated polymer sheath, the stent was affixed to the endoscope. A modified speed-banding attachment was created to permit release of the polymer sheath once endoscopic and fluoroscopic confirmation of the correct position was obtained.


Utilizing this method of OTS stent deployment, a fully covered 23 × 155 mm self-expanding metal stent (WallFlex, Boston Scientific, Natick, MA) was placed in the colon. Endoscopic and fluoroscopic evaluation following stent placement confirmed stent coverage of the perforation with no ongoing evidence of leak. The patient was discharged to his home state 2 weeks after stent placement in stable condition.


We have developed a novel method of OTS stent placement that permits deployment of a variety of enteral stents on any available endoscope. This method permits placement of fully covered stents in locations in the GI tract not reachable with currently available delivery systems.
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