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引用本文:侯立军,江基尧,卢亦成,雷鹏,侯增欣,孙广林,张光霁,朱诚. 平时颅脑火器伤108例预后分析[J]. 中华创伤杂志, 2002, 18(5): 274-276
作者姓名:侯立军  江基尧  卢亦成  雷鹏  侯增欣  孙广林  张光霁  朱诚
作者单位:1. 200003,上海,第二军医大学附属长征医院神经外科、上海市神经外科研究所
2. 兰州军区总医院神经外科
3. 海军第四一一医院神经外科
4. 解放军第二六六医院神经外科
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 30 10 0 193),全军“十五”重点课题资助项目 ( 0 1Z0 62 )
摘    要:
目的 分析影响颅脑火器伤预后的因素,确定颅脑火器伤的预后。方法 对第二军医大学附属长征医院神经外科等军内5家医院21年收治的108例平时颅脑火伤进行回顾性分析。结果 对71例头颅CT检查表明,非性颅脑火器伤占11.3%(8/71),其预后良好;穿透性颅脑火器伤占88.7%(63/71),其中脑穿透伤和双侧半球损伤预后较差;颅内血肿的发生率为46.5%(33/71),其中脑内血肿、硬膜下血肿和蛛网膜下腔出血明显增加颅脑火器伤的死亡率。结论 非透穿性颅脑火器伤一般预后较好;格拉斯哥错迷评分(GCS)<5分的性脑火器伤、GCS<8的双侧半球损伤和脑室透伤一般预后较差;伴有硬膜下血肿、服内血肿和蛛网膜下腔出血的颅服火器伤患者预后较差。

关 键 词:颅脑损伤 创伤 火器伤 预后

Prognosis analysis on 108 patients with craniocerebral firearm wounds
HOU Lijun,JIANG Jiyao,LU Yicheng,et al.. Prognosis analysis on 108 patients with craniocerebral firearm wounds[J]. Chinese Journal of Traumatology, 2002, 18(5): 274-276
Authors:HOU Lijun  JIANG Jiyao  LU Yicheng  et al.
Affiliation:HOU Lijun,JIANG Jiyao,LU Yicheng,et al. Department of Neurosurgery,Changzheng Hospital,Second Military Medical University,Shanghai 200003,China
Objective To analyze the influencing factors so as to improve the prognosis of the patients with craniocerebral firearm wounds. Methods The data of 108 patients with craniocerebral firearm wounds admitted in 5 hospitals for almost 21 years were analyzed retrospectively. Results The patients with non-penetrating wounds accounted for 11.3%, who had good prognosis. The patients with penetrating wounds accounted for 88.7%, among whom, the patients with ventricular penetrating wounds or the patients with injury in the bilateral cerebral hemispheres had poor prognosis. The morbidity of intracranial hematoma was 46.5%. Intracerebral hematoma, subdural hematoma and subarachnoid hemorrhage increased significantly the mortality. Conclusions The patients with non-penetrating craniocerebral firearm wounds generally have good prognosis. The patients (GCS<5) with penetrating craniocerebral firearm wounds, the patients (GCS<8) with ventricular penetrating wounds or the patients (GCS<8) with injury in the bilateral cerebral hemispheres have poor prognosis. And the patients combined with intracerebral hematoma, subdural hematoma and subarachnoid hemorrhage also have poor prognosis.
Keywords:Brain injuries  Wounds   gunshot  Prognosis
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