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引用本文:赵俊生,廖松林,洪燮元. 不同年龄组人群胃粘膜病变的观察(3258例胃非恶性肿瘤标本的分析研究)[J]. 临床与实验病理学杂志, 1987, 0(2)
作者姓名:赵俊生  廖松林  洪燮元
摘    要:本文对我国3258例非胃恶性肿瘤标本不同年龄组人群的胃粘膜良性病变进行了观察,发现CSG、CAG、IM、ATP(异型增生)、胃和十二指肠溃疡的检出率均随年龄增长有增高的趋势,高发年龄除CSG为30~39岁外,余者均为40~49岁,此与我国胃癌高发年龄(50~59岁)相比均提前10~20年,符合文献上记载从癌前状态发展为癌前病变直至癌的所需时间。各种病变检出率为IM1914例(58.75%)、CAG1850例(56.78%)、CSG1356例(41.62%)、GU1335例(40.98%)、DU 1221例(37.48%)。ATP1113例(34.16%)。在CAG中IM和ATP均高,在伴ATP中,肠化型CAG(37.35%)又高于非肠化型(5.72%),因此伴异型肠化的萎缩性胃炎可能与我国胃癌高发密切相关。

Observation on Gastric Mucosal Lesion in Different Age Groups of Patients
Zhao Junsheng et al. Observation on Gastric Mucosal Lesion in Different Age Groups of Patients[J]. Chinese Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology, 1987, 0(2)
Authors:Zhao Junsheng et al
Abstract:Pathological morphology of 3,258 gastric specimens were studied.It revealed that 1,914 cases were of intestinal netaplasia(58.75%); 1,850 cases of chronic atrophic gastritis (56.78%), among which 1,425 cases were metaplastic atrophic gastritis (77.03%), 425 cases of nonintestinal metaplasia (22.97%); 1,356 cases of chronic superficial gastritis (41.62%); 1,335 cases of chronic gastric ulcer (40.98%), 1,221 cases of duodenal ulcer (37.48%) and 1,113 cases of atypical hyperplasia (or dysplasia) (34.16%) . Among 1,850 cases of CAG there were 797 cases of CAG with ATP (43.08%) in which intestinal metaplastic CAG (37.35%) was strikingly higher than non-intestinal metaplastic CAG(5.72%).A positive correlation was noted between the prevalence of gastric carcinoma and that of CAG, IM,ATP, GU which also increased with age. These findings suggested that there is correlation between above mentioned benign pathological changes and gastric carcinoma. It is noted that the atrophic gastritis with intestinal metaplasia accompanied with dysplasia.
Keywords:intestinal metaplasia  atrophic gastritis  superficial gastritis  gastric and duodenat ulcer  dysplasia  
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