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Trends in infant feeding in Port Moresby
Authors:R A Primhak  E Chojnowska  A Rongap
A survey of infant feeding practices was conducted among children aged less than 1 year attending an urban health clinic and the main Children's Outpatients Department (COPD) in Port Moresby in 1986. A further survey was conducted in 1987 to assess the short-term trends. The use of artificial milk increased by 60%, from 9.4% in the first to 15.2% in the second survey. This increase was particularly marked in the COPD sample. Bottle feeding accounted for 95% of artificial feeding methods. In 67% of cases the reason given for using artificial feeding was that the mother was working. Legislation and an explicit government policy to foster the establishment of creches in the work place may be necessary to counter the worrying increase in artificial feeding.
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