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引用本文:朱文晖,李瑞珍,肖际东. 应用超声评价颈动脉硬化与冠心病的关系[J]. 实用预防医学, 2004, 11(2): 250-251
作者姓名:朱文晖  李瑞珍  肖际东
摘    要:
目的 评价颈动脉与冠心病病变程度的关系。方法 对62例不同程度冠脉病变患者及20例正常人进行颈动脉超声检查。结果 冠心病患者颈动脉内-中膜厚度(IMT)较对照组明显增大,随着冠状动脉病变加重,内中膜明显增厚,斑块指数增加,颈动脉斑块以硬斑多见,颈动脉分叉处(BIF)多发。结论 颈动脉硬化与冠状动脉病变关系密切,超声检测颈动脉硬化是一种无创、实时又精确的诊断方法。

关 键 词:颈动脉 冠状动脉疾病 超声检查

The Relationship Between Carotid Sclerosis and Coronary Artery Disease Evaluated by Ultrasound
ZHU Wen-hui,LI Rei-zheng,XIAO Ji-dong.. The Relationship Between Carotid Sclerosis and Coronary Artery Disease Evaluated by Ultrasound[J]. Practical Preventive Medicine, 2004, 11(2): 250-251
Authors:ZHU Wen-hui  LI Rei-zheng  XIAO Ji-dong.
s :Objective To assess the relationship between carotid and the degree of coronary heart disease. Methods 62 patients diagnosed with coronary disease to various extent and 20 normal subjects were examined by ultrasonography .Results Intima-media thickness (IMT) of carotid arteries in patients with coronary artery diseases was far thicker than that in normal subjects. With increasing extent and severity of coronary disease, the IMT became thicker significantly and also ,the plaque index increased.The plaque type in carotid artery is almost hard plaque and always located multiplely at the bifuratication(BIF). Conclusion There is close relationship between carotid sclerosis and coronary artery diseases. Ultrasonography might be considered as a non-invasive , real-time , and accurate method to detect the carotid sclerosis .
Keywords:Carotid artery  Coronary artery disease  Ultrasonography
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