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引用本文:杨志明,萧传实. 高甘油三酯—低高密度脂蛋白血症与冠状动脉病变[J]. 中国动脉硬化杂志, 2002, 10(1): 59-61
作者姓名:杨志明  萧传实
摘    要:

关 键 词:冠状动脉造影 甘油三酯 低高密度脂蛋白血症 血糖浓度 冠状动脉病变

The Relations between Hypertriglyceridemia, Hypo-High-Density-Lipoproteinemi a and Coronary Artery Disease
YANG Zhi Ming,and XIAO Chuan Shi. The Relations between Hypertriglyceridemia, Hypo-High-Density-Lipoproteinemi a and Coronary Artery Disease[J]. Chinese Journal of Arteriosclerosis, 2002, 10(1): 59-61
Authors:YANG Zhi Ming  and XIAO Chuan Shi
Affiliation:Department of Cardiology, Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, Taiyua n 030001, China
Aim To investigate the relationship between cor onary artery disease and hypertriglyceridemia? hypo high density lipoprotei nemia. Methods 54 cases with stable angina pectoris or old myocardial infarction were divided into four groups: 15 cases in non major risk factor group, 11 cases in hypertriglyce ridemia and hypo high density lipoproteinemia group, 15 cases in diabetes mel litus g roup, and 13 cases in diabetes mellitus and hypertriglyceridemia and hypo high densit y lipoproteinemia group. Some risk factor such as smoking years, blood glucos e, systolic blood pressure, choleserol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol(LDLc ), trig lyceride, high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLc) were measured. The rel ationship between above factors and the degrees of coronary artery lesion with a ngiography were detected. Results The coronary arter y stenosis s core was significantly higher in diabetes mellitus and hypertriglyceridemia, and hypo high density lipoproteinemia group (10.5±3.4) than in other groups (p<0.05), the B 2?C type of coronar y artery disease in diabetes mellitus and hypertriglyceridemia and hypo high d en sity lipoproteinemia group were significantly more than in non major risk fac tor group (p<0.05), and three vessel diseases increase more in this group; the lineal regression relationship were found between blo od glucose, triglyceride, HDLc and coronary artery stenosis score with stepwise regression analysi s. Conclusions The higher the levels of blood gluc ose and triglyceride become, the lower the level of HDLc. The coronary artery s tenosis score will become higher, with the degree of coronary artery lesion be coming heavier.
Keywords:Coronary Artery Angiography  Triglyceride  Lipoprotein , HDL
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