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引用本文:阮狄克,张在文,周山,田海涛,朱智明. 某医院2007-2009年发表医学科技论文统计分析[J]. 解放军医院管理杂志, 2012, 19(8): 748-750
作者姓名:阮狄克  张在文  周山  田海涛  朱智明
摘    要:
利用中文生物医学期刊文献数据库(CMCC)、《中国科技论文与引文数据库(CSTPCD)》和ISI Web of Knowl-edge(SCI),对本院2007—2009年发表论文情况和被引用情况统计分析,总结本科研状况和科技论文水平,结合本院科技论文发表和管理实际,从科技论文发表和管理存在的问题、相应的对策等方面,对当前军队医院科技论文管理策略进行了初步分析讨论,为医院在科研工作、学科建设和人才培养等方面提供参考。

关 键 词:海军总医院  计量分析  科技论文

Analysis on Published Paper of Medical Science and Technology in a Hospital from 2007 to 2009
RUAN Di-ke,ZHANG Zai-wen,ZHOU Shan,TIAN Hai-tao,ZHU Zhi-ming. Analysis on Published Paper of Medical Science and Technology in a Hospital from 2007 to 2009[J]. Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army, 2012, 19(8): 748-750
Authors:RUAN Di-ke  ZHANG Zai-wen  ZHOU Shan  TIAN Hai-tao  ZHU Zhi-ming
Affiliation:1.Navy General Hospital,Beijing 100048;2.Department of Information,Navy General Hospital,Beijing 100048;3.Department of Medical Administration,Navy General Hospital,Beijing 100048)
To evaluate the status of medical science and research of Navy General Hospital by statistic analysis of paper publication scientifically,database of Chinese Medical Current Contents(CMCC),Chinese Science and Technology Paper Citation,Database(CSTPCD) and ISI Web of Knowledge were as the sources,biometric methods were use to classify the papers by year,authors and professional title separately from 2007 to 2009.The results will supply useful information to hospital administration department,which would be useful to establish proper regulation and measures,improve research and incentive mechanism,as well as the assessment of performance in military hospital.
Keywords:Navy General Hospital  metrological analysis  paper
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