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Genetics: Genetic analysis prior to selective fetal reduction in multiple pregnancy: technical aspects and clinical outcome
Authors:Brambati, B.   Tului, L.   Baldi, M.   Guercilena, S.
Affiliation:1First Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Milan Milan 2Reproductive Medicine Centre Milan 3Human Genetics Centre Rome 4Institute of Occupational Health, Epidemiology Unit, Istituti Clinici di Perfezionamento Milan, Italy
Abstract:Multiple pregnancies resulting from ovarian stimulation areat a higher risk of carrying at least one fetus affected byMendelian or chromosomal anomalies, the incidence of which isdirectly related to the order of multiples. Genetic analysisbefore fetal reduction was offered to both high-and low-riskpregnant women carrying two or more fetuses after ovulationinduction. Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and fetal reductionwere achieved by transabdominal needling. The use of short-termculture, the polymerase chain reaction and fresh tissue enzymaticanalyses have made it possible for genetic diagnosis to be availablein a few days. A total of 100 patients had multifetal pregnancyreduction performed by a single operator; all of them completedpregnancy and none was lost at follow-up. The total fetal lossbefore 24 weeks was 7% and no statistically significant relationshipwas found with the final number of fetuses and CVS. Perinatallosses (3.9%) were only present in the series with a final numberof two fetuses. Pregnancy duration and birthweight were significantlyhigher in singletons than in twins, but were not related toCVS. The rate of chromosomal disorders was higher (7.2%) inthe study series than in singleton pregnancies not undergoingfetal reduction. Diagnostic error due to incorrect samplingwas reported in 1.5% of cases. These data support fetal reductionas a valuable strategy to improve the outcome of multiple pregnancy.The outcome of pregnancies reduced to singletons was significantlybetter than of those reduced to twins, and was not related toCVS. Therefore, prenatal genetic diagnosis should become anintegral part of counselling on multiple pregnancy, and is stronglyrecommended when reduction to singleton pregnancy is requested.
Keywords:genetic diagnosis/multiple pregnancy/reduction/singletons/twins
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