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引用本文:戴方方,金学民,万文萃. 吲哚青绿辅助黄斑前膜联合内界膜剥除治疗特发性黄斑前膜的临床效果[J]. 眼科研究, 2014, 0(3): 231-234
作者姓名:戴方方  金学民  万文萃
摘    要:背景 特发性黄斑前膜(IMEM)可与玻璃体黄斑牵拉综合征、黄斑假孔、黄斑板层裂孔同时发生,清除眼后极部玻璃体及完整剥离IMEM是治疗的关键. 目的 探讨吲哚青绿(ICG)辅助黄斑前膜联合内界膜剥离在IMEM手术治疗中的作用.方法 采用系列病例观察研究方法.收集2010年6月至2012年9月在郑州大学第一附属医院确诊为IMEM患者29例29眼,包括单纯黄斑前膜16眼、黄斑前膜合并玻璃体黄斑牵拉综合征6眼、黄斑前膜合并黄斑假孔3眼、黄斑前膜合并黄斑板层裂孔4眼.采用标准三切口玻璃体切割术,先将0.1ml曲安奈德4 mg注入玻璃体腔染色玻璃体后皮质,对无玻璃体后皮质脱离者或不全性玻璃体后皮质脱离者行诱导脱离并完全切除,然后用1 ml注射器吸取0.1 ml质量分数0.25% ICG推注3~5滴于黄斑部表面,30 s后笛针吸除.染色后有前膜游离边缘者用视网膜镊夹取剥除,之后0.25% ICG再染色,剥除黄斑区内界膜;无法分辨黄斑前膜范围或前膜与内界膜贴伏平整或粘连较紧密者则将内界膜及前膜一并剥除.记录染色及膜剥离效果.主要分析指标包括膜染色形态及成功膜剥离眼数,次要分析指标包括术后视力改善情况及术中、术后并发症.结果 染色后所有患眼均能很好地辨认剥离区及未剥离区,黄斑前膜范围清晰者23眼,占79%,能够分辨前膜游离边界并直接剥除前膜者17眼,占58%;染色后无法分辨前膜范围或前膜与内界膜贴伏平整或粘连紧密者,术中由内界膜起瓣并将前膜及内界膜同时剥离者12眼,占42%.术后随访1~28个月,平均(9.65±7.58)个月,20眼术后视力提高,占69%.患眼术前LogMAR视力为0.72±0.67,术后为0.62±0.56,术后视力明显提高,差异有统计学意义(t=2.370,P=0.025).术中无严重并发症,无黄斑前膜复发病例.结论 ICG染色联合内界膜剥除有助于安全、彻底地剥离IMEM,改善术眼视力,并能预防复发.

关 键 词:吲哚青绿  黄斑前膜,特发性  手术  内界膜

Indocyanine green-assisted macular epiretinal membrane combined internal limiting membrane peeling for idiopathic macular epiretinal membrane
Dai Fangfang,Jin Xuemin,Wan Wencui. Indocyanine green-assisted macular epiretinal membrane combined internal limiting membrane peeling for idiopathic macular epiretinal membrane[J]. Chinese Ophthalmic Research, 2014, 0(3): 231-234
Authors:Dai Fangfang  Jin Xuemin  Wan Wencui
Affiliation:1.Department of Ophthalmology,Affiliated First Hospital of Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450052, China;)
Abstract:Background Idiopathic macular epiretinal membrane (IMEM) occurs probably along with vitreous macular traction syndrome (VMTS),persudo macular hole (PMH) and lamellar macular hole (LMH).Removing posterior hyaloid and completely peeling IMEM are the key to the treatment.Objective This study was to investigate the effectiveness of indocyanine green (ICG)-assisted macular epiretinal membrane combined internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling for IMEM.Methods Twenty nine eyes of 29 patients with IMEM were collected in Affiliated First Hospital of Zhengzhou University from June 2010 to September 2012,including 16 eyes with simple macular epiretinal membrane,6 eyes with both IMEM and VMTS,3 eyes with IMEM and PMH,4 eyes with IMEM and LMH.A standard three-port pars plana vitrectomy was performed.After removal of posterior hyaloid,0.25% ICG was used to assist IMEM and ILM peeling.The process and results were recored.Results After staining,the free boundary of the IMEM became obvious and IMEM was peeled directly in 17 of the 29 eyes (58%).In the others (42%),a free petal of ILM was made,IMEM and ILM were peeled together.In all the 29 eyes,the peeled zone could be easily recognized.No serious intraoperative complication was found.The mean postoperative follow-up was (9.65 ±7.58)months (ranged,1 to 28 months).Visual acuity was improved in 20 eyes (69%).The LogMAR vision was significantly improved in postoperation in comprison with preoperation (0.62 ±0.56 versus 0.72 ±0.67) (t =2.370,P=0.025).No IMEM recurred during the following-up duration.Conclusions ICG-assisted ILM peeling can make the surgery of IMEM safer and prevent recurrence.
Keywords:Indocyaine green  Macular epiretinal membrane, idiopathic/surgery  Internal limiting membrane
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