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引用本文:贡秀云,汪荣. 结核病项目管理中患者中断治疗原因及督导干预效果评价[J]. 职业与健康, 2013, 0(22): 3004-3006
作者姓名:贡秀云  汪荣
摘    要:目的探讨肺结核病患者中断治疗的原因,并对督导干预效果进行评价。方法对中断治疗患者通过电话咨询或村医上门等调查方式了解并分析中断治疗的原因,同时督导患者恢复治疗,并评价干预效果。结果中断治疗原因以主观因素为主,占65.9%;同时也与患者的职业、文化程度和户籍状态有关(P〈0.01),药物不良反应也是中断治疗的重要原因。督导干预效果良好,恢复完成治疗率达93.5%。结论加强肺结核病患者健康教育,提高患者服药依从性,重视督导管理,及时干预指导是减少中断治疗的重要措施。

关 键 词:肺结核  中断治疗  干预效果

Causes of interruption treatment and evaluation of intervention effect of TB patients in TB Control Project
GONG Xiu-yun,WANG Rong. Causes of interruption treatment and evaluation of intervention effect of TB patients in TB Control Project[J]. Occupation and Health, 2013, 0(22): 3004-3006
Authors:GONG Xiu-yun  WANG Rong
Affiliation:Ma ' aashan Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Anhui , 243000, China
Abstract:[Objective]To explore the causes of interruption treatment, and evaluate the intervention effect of the TB 'patients. [ Methods] The causes of interruption treatment of TB patients were investigated and analyzed through telephone inquiry and indoor investigation by village doctors, moreover, patients were supervised to resume treatment and the intervention effect was evluated. [ Results ] The causes of interruption treatment were mainly subjective factors ( 65.9% ) and related with the patient' s occupation , level of education and household register(P 〈 0.01 ). The important reason of interruption treatment was adverse drug effect. The intervention effect were excellent, the completion treatment rate were 93.5%. [ Conclusion] Strengthening health education about TB knowledge to TB patients, improving the compliance to treatment among TB patients, paying attention to supervised treatment and timely intervention guidance are the main measures to reduce interruption treatment rate.
Keywords:Tuberculosis ( TB )  Interruption of treatment  Intervention effect
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