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引用本文:童毅爱,陈丽琏,谷华运,王有琪. 大鼠视交叉上核的组织结构[J]. 复旦学报(医学版), 1987, 0(1)
作者姓名:童毅爱  陈丽琏  谷华运  王有琪
摘    要:用Nissl法和快速灌注Golgi法结合电镜与电子计算机三维重建神经元技术,研究视交叉上核(SCN)的组织结构。SCN神经元可分为三类:①无小棘神经元;②多棘神经元;③中间型神经元。三种神经元的功能可能分别与传出、传入和联络有关。SCN超微结构显示神经元胞质中富含多聚核糖体、高尔基复合体和常见于核膜凹陷处的粗面内质网。神经毡发达,含三种终末和五种突触亚型。

关 键 词:视交叉上核  丘脑下部  电子计算机三维重建神经元

Tong Yiai Chen Lilian Gu Hnayun,Wang Youqi. THE STRUCTURE OF THE HYPOTHALAMIC SUPRACHIASMATIC NUCLEUS OF THE RAT[J]. Fudan University Journal of Medical Sciences, 1987, 0(1)
Authors:Tong Yiai Chen Lilian Gu Hnayun  Wang Youqi
Abstract:The Nissl method, a modified Golgi method, electron microscopy and computer reconstruction of neurons were employed to investigate the structure of the supra-ohiasinatie nucleus (SON). The neurons of the SON can be divided into three types: 1, neurons with spine-free varicose dendrite. These cells are located in the dorsal part or the medio-dorsal part of the nucleus. 2, neurons that have many spines on their dendrltes. These neurons lie primarily in the ventral part of the SON. 3, neurons have a moderate number of spines on their dendrites, diverse subtypes of neurons can be found among this type of neurons. The function of the three types of neurons are, perhaps, associated with the efferent, afferent or regulative role of the SON. The fine structure of the SON neurons are shown to be rich in ribosomes. REE and the Golgi complex are usually near the invagination of the nuclear membrane. Three types of terminals and five types of synapses could be distinguished in the neuropil. Computer reconstruction of neurons shows that the distribution of the dendrites of the SCN neurons is perpendicular to the rostro-caudal plate of the SON.
Keywords:Supraehiasmatic nucleus  hypothalamus  computer recoasiruetion of neu-rons  
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