Abstract: | A 16-year-old white male presented with multiple abnormal extraocular movements secondary to an enhancing pineal tumor. Subtotal resection of the lesion revealed a mixed malignant germ cell tumor. The pre-operative serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) was markedly elevated at 155 IU/L. The patient subsequently received radiotherapy and adjuvant chemotherapy consisting of cisplatin rotating monthly with vincristine and cyclo-phosphamide, with dramatic tumor regression and return of AFP to normal. Eighteen months later the persistence of a substantial tumor mass despite a normal AFP raised concern for residual active tumor. Histological examination of the resected lesion revealed benign teratoma and fibrous tissue. Repeat surgical intervention may contribute to the management of mixed malignant germ cell tumors, which demonstrate a persistent mass following an initial response to treatment. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc. |