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High frequency of CD8αα homodimer-bearing T cells in human fetal intestine
Authors:Manish Latthe  Linda Terry  Thomas T. Macdonald
Immunohistochemistry on frozen sections was used to identify CD8αα cells and CD8αβ cells in human intestine. As observed previously, CD8αβ cells predominate (>95%) in tonsil and post-natal intestine. However in human fetal intestine (16–24 weeks gestation), almost half the CD8+ cells in the lamina propria are CD8αα, and many CD8αα cells can be identified in the epithelium. In contrast, in the T cell zones of the Peyer's patches, CD8αβ cells are dominant. The CD8αα cells are virtually all αβ T cell receptor positive. By analogy with the murine system, these CD8αα cells in the fetal gut may be directly derived from the marrow, undergoing thymus-independent differentiation in the gut mucosa.
Keywords:CD8α  α   homodimers  Intestine  Human T cells
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