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Splenectomy for hematologic disease
Authors:H L Laws  M W Burlingame  J T Carpenter  J T Prchal  M E Conrad
One hundred and thirty splenectomies were performed at the University Hospital in Birmingham for hematologic disorders during a 12 year period. There were seven deaths of which four were related to sepsis in patients with malignant growths which probably impaired immune competence. Splenectomy was found to be uniformly satisfactory for hereditary hemolytic anemia, for hypersplenism complicating rheumatoid arthritis and for the rare instance of primary hypersplenism. Splenectomy was usually salutary in didopathic thrombocytopenic purpura and in antoimmune hemolytic anemia. When done for diagnosis, splenectomy was definitive in about 50 per cent of the instances. Individual patients with thrombotic thrombocyeosinophilia syndrome benefited. Splenectomy for hypoplastic or aplastic anemia in an actual circulation offered only questionable benefit and is rarely necessary for hyperplenism secondary to portal hypertension.
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