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引用本文:黄仰模,郑献敏,赵威. 《金匮要略》咳喘治法探讨[J]. 河南中医, 2006, 26(1): 14-16
作者姓名:黄仰模  郑献敏  赵威
摘    要:对《金匮要略》所论咳喘治法进行了探讨。认为感受外邪、阴阳失衡、浊痰雍盛、痰饮郁肺、虚火上炎等均可导致肺气上逆而咳喘。其治法主要是发汗解表;温肺散寒,培土生金;泻肺开闭;涤痰开闭;排脓解毒;宣肺平喘,化饮清热;散寒宣肺,降逆化饮;逐水通阳,止咳平喘;宣肺泄热,降气平喘;散寒化饮,兼清郁热;养阴清热,降逆下气;通阳散结,豁痰下气;宣肺化饮利水;辛散风寒,温化里饮;泻下逐饮;温药和之除痰饮;补肾去饮;分先后缓急。

关 键 词:咳喘  《金匮要略》  治法

Treatment Methods for Cough with Dyspnea in Synopsis of the Golden Chamber
Huang Yangmo,Zheng Xianmin,Zhao Wei. Treatment Methods for Cough with Dyspnea in Synopsis of the Golden Chamber[J]. Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2006, 26(1): 14-16
Authors:Huang Yangmo  Zheng Xianmin  Zhao Wei
Affiliation:Jingui Teaching and Rosearch Section,Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Guangzhou ,Guangdong ,510405
Abstract:The paper probes the treatment methods for cough with dyspnea discussed in Synopsis of Golden Chamber.It holds that exposure to exopathogenic factors,imbalace of Yin and Yang,exuberance of phlegm,phlegm retension in the lung and flaring-up of fire of deficinency type may lead to cough with dyspnea due to adverse ascending of the lung energy.The following are the main treatment methods: relieving superficies syndrome by means of diaphoresis,warming the lung to relieve the cold and strengthening the lung(metal) by way of reinforcing the spleen(earth),purging the pathogenic fire of the lung and removing phlegm to treat occlusion,evacuating pus by reinfrocing Qi and blood,facilitating the flow of the lung-qi to relieve asthma,removing fluid retention from the interior and removing fire,expelling cold and facilitating the flow of the lung-qi,checking upward adverse flow of the lung,dispelling retained water and activating Yang,relieving cough and asthma,replenishing the vital essence and removing heat,resolving masses and tonifying the kidney.
Keywords:cough with dyspnea  Synopsis of the Golden Chamber  treatment methods  
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