某医校学员AIDS知识态度行为认知水平调查分析 |
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引用本文: | 高秋菊,刘辉,胡建军,张璟,杨雁,吴继军. 某医校学员AIDS知识态度行为认知水平调查分析[J]. 白求恩军医学院学报, 2012, 10(3): 183-185 |
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作者姓名: | 高秋菊 刘辉 胡建军 张璟 杨雁 吴继军 |
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作者单位: | 高秋菊 (解放军白求恩医务士官学校,石家庄,050081) ; 刘辉 (解放军白求恩医务士官学校,石家庄,050081) ; 胡建军 (解放军白求恩医务士官学校,石家庄,050081) ; 张璟 (解放军白求恩医务士官学校,石家庄,050081) ; 杨雁 (解放军白求恩医务士官学校,石家庄,050081) ; 吴继军 (解放军白求恩医务士官学校,石家庄,050081) ; |
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摘 要: | ![]() 目的了解某医校学员艾滋病(AIDS)知识、态度、高危行为认知的现况并分析其影响因素。方法对某医校1117名学员进行AIDS知识、态度和高危行为认知水平的现况调查分析。结果①AIDS相关知识的正确回答率最高为98.93%,最低为21.22%;态度期望回答率最高为94.99%,最低为7.43%;高危行为认知正确回答率最高为96.42%,最低为38.59%。对AIDS预防措施的认知水平正确回答率最高为94.18%,最低为16.20%。②对AIDS知识态度行为认知得分进行多因素Logistic回归分析发现,总分与年级、入学前是否学过医有关联(t=5.49,P0.01;t=2.60,P0.01),进一步分析发现高年级学员其知识、行为认知分值及总分明显高于低年级学员(P0.01),医学本科和医学大专学员的知识、态度、行为认知分值及总分明显高于护理大专和药学、检验、放射大专(P0.01)。入学前学过医的学员的行为认知分值和总分高于未学过医的学员(P0.05)。③相关分析发现,AIDS行为认知与态度、态度与知识、行为认知与知识分值呈正相关(P0.01)。结论某医校学员对AIDS知识的掌握尚不理想,其态度和行为认知尚不乐观,应加强对学员AIDS相关知识的教育,端正态度,引导其行为,以确保其掌握更准确的知识,将来更好地完成医疗工作任务。
关 键 词: | 医校学员 AIDS 知识 态度 行为 |
Survey and analysis on knowledge,attitude and behavior about AIDS among medical students in certain military medical college |
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Affiliation: | GAO Qiuju,LIU Hui,HU Jianjun,et al.Department of Preventive Medicine,Bethune Military Medical NCO’s Academy of PLA,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050081,China |
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Abstract: | ![]() Objective To understand the status of knowledge,attitude and behavior about AIDS among medical students in certain medical college and analyze their influential factors.Methods The cross-sectional investigation of knowledge,attitude and practice about AIDS among 1117 medical students in certain medical college was investigated.Results ①The highest correct respondent rate about AIDS knowledge was 98.93% and the lowest rate was 21.22%.The highest expected respondent rate about AIDS attitude was 94.99% and the lowest rate was 7.43%.The highest correct respondent rate about AIDS high risk behavior was 96.42% and the lowest rate was 38.59%.The highest correct respondent rate of the cognition level about AIDS preventative measures was 94.18% and the lowest rate was 16.20%.② Through logistic regressive analysis of the scores of AIDS knowledge,attitude and behavior in medical students,we found that the scores were significantly associated with their grades and their pre-school medical knowledge(P<0.01).Furthermore,the scores of AIDS knowledge,behavior and total scores in senior grades were higher than those of the junior grades(P<0.01).The scores of AIDS knowledge,attitude,behavior and the total scores in medical undergraduate colleges and medical colleges were higher than those of the nursing colleges,pharmacy colleges,laboratory colleges and radiological colleges(P<0.01).The scores of AIDS behavior and total scores in the groups with pre-school medical knowledge were higher than those of the groups without medical knowledge(P<0.05).③Positive correlation about the scores of AIDS behavior and attitude,AIDS attitude and knowledge,AIDS behavior and AIDS knowledge were observed by the correlation analysis(P<0.01).Conclusion The AIDS knowledge grasped by medical students was not enough,the attitude and the behavior to AIDS were not optimistic.The health education about AIDS should be programmed,and their attitudes to AIDS should be corrected and their behaviors towards the AIDS should be guided,so as to guarantee the cadets to grasp the correct AIDS knowledge to serve the people. |
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Keywords: | Medical students AIDS Knowledge Attitude Behavior |
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