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引用本文:李坤寅,关永格,王慧颖. 从橘荔散结丸浅析罗元恺教授治疗子宫肌瘤经验[J]. 中华中医药学刊, 2008, 26(2): 236-238
作者姓名:李坤寅  关永格  王慧颖
作者单位:1. 广州中医药大学第一附属医院,广东,广州,510405
2. 广州中医药大学,广东,广州,510405
摘    要:橘荔散结丸由罗元恺教授创制,具有活血化瘀、燥湿化痰、软坚散结兼益气养血之功,主要用于治疗子宫肌瘤,疗效确切。罗元恺认为[1]子宫肌瘤的形成与气滞血瘀、痰凝和正气不足有关,治宜攻补兼施,强调经期与平时治疗用药不同。本文分析了橘荔散结丸组方思路,并从该药对子宫肌瘤患者NK细胞活性的恢复、机体免疫功能的提高以及对子宫肌层及瘤体组织雌(ER)、孕激素受体(PR)、孕激素受体基因(PRmRNA)表达影响的角度探究其作用机理。

关 键 词:橘荔散结丸  子宫肌瘤  罗元恺  橘荔散结丸  罗元恺  治疗用药  子宫肌瘤  Bolus  Treatment  Prof  作用机理  影响  表达  PRmRNA  孕激素受体基因  组织  瘤体  子宫肌层  机体免疫功能  恢复  细胞活性  患者  组方思路

The Experience of Prof LUO Yuan-kai in the Treatment of Hysteromyoma with Julisanjie Bolus
LI Kun-yin,GUAN Yong-ge,WANG Hui-ying. The Experience of Prof LUO Yuan-kai in the Treatment of Hysteromyoma with Julisanjie Bolus[J]. Chinese Archives of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2008, 26(2): 236-238
Authors:LI Kun-yin  GUAN Yong-ge  WANG Hui-ying
Abstract:Julisanjie bolus was a recipe from famous Prof LUO yuan-kai,and it has been used to treat hysteromyoma effectively by promoting the flow of qi and blood circulation,soften and resolve hard mass.Prof Luo suggested that hysteromyoma is usually caused by unsmooth flow of qi and inhibited circulation of blood,phlegm stagnation,and deficiency of the vital-qi.As for the treatment of hysteromyoma,he used reinforcement and elimination in combination.Besides,the treatment in the menstrual period is different from that in peacetimes'.This paper analyzed the components of Julisanjie bolus and its effect on the recoverment of the level of NK cell,the improvement of Immune Function,the level of EP,PR and PRmRNA in muscle tissue and tumor tissue in hysteromyoma patients.
Keywords:Julisanjie bolus  hysteromyoma  LUO Yuan-kai
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