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Effect of Synthetic Truncated Apolipoprotein C-I Peptide on Plasma Lipoprotein Cholesterol in Nonhuman Primates
Authors:Kushwaha Rampratap S  McGill Jr Henry C  Hausheer Frederick H
Affiliation:1.Department of Physiology and Medicine, Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research, San Antonio, TX 78245-0549, USA;2.BioNumerik Pharmaceuticals, Inc, San Antonio, TX 78229, USA
The present studies were conducted to determinewhether a synthetic truncated apoC-I peptide thatinhibits CETP activity in baboons would raise plasmaHDL cholesterol levels in nonhuman primates with lowHDL levels. We used 2 cynomolgus monkeys and 3baboons fed a cholesterol- and fat-enriched diet. Incynomolgus monkeys, we injected synthetic truncatedapoC-I inhibitor peptide at a dose of 20 mg/kgand, in baboons, at doses of 10, 15, and 20 mg/kgat weekly intervals. Blood samples were collected 3times a week and VLDL + LDL and HDL cholesterolconcentrations were measured. In cynomolgus monkeys,administration of the inhibitor peptide caused arapid decrease in VLDL + LDL cholesterolconcentrations (30%–60%) and an increase in HDLcholesterol concentrations (10%–20%). VLDL + LDLcholesterol concentrations returned to baselinelevels in approximately 15 days. In baboons,administration of the synthetic inhibitor peptidecaused a decrease in VLDL + LDL cholesterol (20%–60%)and an increase in HDL cholesterol (10%–20%). VLDL+ LDL cholesterol returned to baseline levels byday 21, whereas HDL cholesterol concentrationsremained elevated for up to 26 days. ApoA-Iconcentrations increased, whereas apoE andtriglyceride concentrations decreased. Subcutaneousand intravenous administrations of the inhibitorpeptide had similar effects on LDL and HDLcholesterol concentrations. There was no change inbody weight, food consumption, or plasma IgGlevels of any baboon during the study. Thesestudies suggest that the truncated apoC-I peptide canbe used to raise HDL in humans.
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